With 1000 followers in her first year, Amy from Salted Roses is one of our favorite bloggers. With resource guides on her look (head to toe), product recommendations, and cute pics of her pooch….we can’t wait to see what this cool young Brit will blog about next!

What inspired you to start a blog?
Starting a blog had never even crossed my mind until a lot of my followers on Instagram suggested that I start one as I’ve always loved posting photos of my daily outfits and buys so I thought that I may as well give it a go! A lot of my favourite bloggers inspired me too, including Lydia from Fashion Influx and Susie from Hello October – their blogs are ones that I’ve followed for a long time and reading and getting inspiration from them helped to me to properly begin writing Salted Roses. I can safely say that starting my blog was one of the best things I’ve ever done.

Have you ever done something drastic with your hair? What would you like to do? Why haven’t you done it?
I wouldn’t say I’ve done anything drastic but around two years ago I had hair that was halfway down to my waist and one day I just decided to go to the hairdresser and chop it all off! I think every girl knows how nerve-wracking a good hair chop can be but I don’t regret it at all as I think my hair looks so much healthier at shoulder length. I’d love to dye my hair a different colour, maybe even a crazy colour but I’m just terrified that something would go horribly wrong, and knowing my luck, it almost certainly would! If I was going to dye my hair I’d probably dye it a deep auburn colour – maybe I’ll pluck up the courage to do it soon!

Who do you see as a style icon and why?
Anyone who reads my blog will know how much I love Suki Waterhouse’s style and she is my ultimate style icon. She has such a classic style with a kind of girly twist, incorporating 60s style dresses and drool worthy coats into her outfits. Seriously, there is nothing that I wouldn’t do to be able to raid her collection of coats! Emma Watson is also another person who I see as a style icon – she always looks so effortless and classy without being over the top and she just always looks amazing!


Read more about Amy at Salted Roses | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Lookbook


A girl after our heart, Gergana’s blog is a display of great fashion! Great taste, beautiful clothes, and accessories to swoon over are the focus of "Fashion is my Forte". We asked a few questions of our own, here’s what she said…..

What inspired you to start a blog: 
Well, I've always liked writing and I love fashion, so starting a blog was something I've always wanted to do. I made it kind of like a New Year's goal and finally started one right before Christmas of last year! I just became too stressed out with school and needed an outlet, and writing about fashion did the trick. 

Who do you see as a “style icon” and why?
I have many different fashion icons I look up to so I couldn't choose just one, but my top two would definitely be Olivia Polermo and Victoria Beckham! Victoria is not only an amazing style influence but also an extraordinary business-woman and mother! She is the total package. Her style is always chic, elegant and never fails to make it seem like she has her whole together even though one can only imagine how busy she is! I mean, have you ever seen the woman without heels on?? Absolutely not. I like Olivia for similar reasons but also because she does experiment with different styles, from “boho” chic to casual to business, and never gets it wrong! She has impeccable taste in fashion. 

What/who is your favorite designer and why?
Again, I couldn't choose just one designer because I love too many all for different reasons. My top would definitely be Emilio Pucci and Roberto Cavalli! Pucci's pieces are so elegant and eye-catching! They always make me want to be relaxing somewhere on a tropical island! They're very versatile which I love because you can dress them up or down. Cavalli, on the other hand, has the most unique pieces with impeccable structure, tailoring and embellishments. His pieces are always so sexy yet classy! Never have I seen a piece from both of these designers that I wouldn't wear... ever!  


Read more about Gergana at Fashion is my Forte | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


With posts consisting of yummy organic chocolate bars, retail therapy, and restaurant shots “Aussie” style….we can’t wait to what else Rebecca has in store for her readers on her blog, Talisbury. We asked a few questions of our own and here’s what she said….

What inspired you to start a blog?
I have had a blog (not this one) ever since I was about 13. Blogging has always been fun for me - the entire process; writing, photographing, design and publishing it. I've always loved that I call the shots in every aspect of it and that I can call it mine! 

Who do you see as a “style icon” and why?
Lauren Conrad and Rachel Bilson. They always have been, and I think it's because they're always dressed in classics and with that, dress to their bodies. They don't get wrapped up in trends, instead they embrace the classics and make it trendy. Because of this, they always look flawless. 

Do you ever get writers block? What do you do to get passed it?
All the time! I'm in midst one of my biggest blocks right now, and been lacking with posts recently. To get passed it, I try not to over-think it. I remember that I started blogging because it was enjoyable for me and I'm not going to get warped into thinking that I have to post on a timetable. I want my blog to only have things written when I was feeling inspired or truly believe in what I am writing. So I carry on, looking for inspiration, but not forcing it and I keep in mind that blogging is fun and I hope to always keep it that way! 


Read more about Rebecca at Talisbury | Twitter | Pinterest