With the challenges we are currently facing, now can be a great time to focus on your brand. From building something new to refocusing your attention and implementing new creative habits. With so many changes in the way business is being conducted, it’s imperative that brands continue to convey their message clearly to create trust.  Andrew Carruthers, Education Director for Sam Villa, was recently featured on Medium.com/Authority Magazine citing tips on how to build a trusted believable brand. Now is the time to access business practices in the professional industry to garner the strength and loyalty needed to weather this storm.

“You don’t need to do it all, build a team of co-creative people that share your vision. Not only does it make the massive task of building a brand more manageable, but it also brings the brilliance of others to the table,” says Carruthers.

  1. Show the real names and faces of your brand in everything you do. One of my favorite Sammy quotes is, “People buy people first, then they buy things”. People want REAL and that means showing up as who you really are. Perfection and polish get lost in today’s world.
  2. Produce content that creates value with no ask… it HAS to be a gift with no strings attached. We are constantly reminded of this by carefully watching what performs and what gets buried. It’s blatantly apparent that if we start to sound even remotely “salesy”, people turn off.
  3. Get out from behind the computer and create face-to-face connection (when it’s safe to do so again!!). Our most loyal and raving fans are people that we’ve built both an online and in-person connection with. We, in turn, share those experiences through social and others can see that we are living our message.
  4. Dedicate time to see what’s coming next. Everything is changing at such a rapid pace that it only takes a few months to find yourself behind the times.
  5. Constantly monitor your intentions and motivation. Every company will have financial ups and downs… the moment your decisions are made from a mindset of lack and deficiency, you’re beginning a downward spiral.  By necessity, every penny becomes questioned and judged by if there is an immediate return to that dollar spent. Sharing incredible education is expensive and has no immediate return, so that is often what is cut. Along with that cut goes the consumer's trust and attention. Without that, a small company has no path to recovery. 

“With everyone spending more time on screens right now, make an effort to interact on social platforms in a thoughtful, heart-driven and compassionate way, #ArtistsSupportingArtists.  To connect and support not only with your customers and staff, but with your peers and community as well,” adds Carruthers.

Be sure to connect with the Sam Villa Brand and Team on Facebook@SamVillaPros YouTube@SamVillaHair;  Twitter@SamVillaPro;   Instagram@SamVillaHair;  Pinterest@SamVillaHair