Multi-dimensional, creamy, sandy blonde tones with cloudy root depth complementing the haircut’s raw and modern texture. The shade palette
and the colour placement emphasizes the texture.


The rawness of the Beach Safari Look is underlined by muted brown, beige and copper tones.

STEP# 1: Apply POWDER. LIGHTENER on lengths and ends, develop
STEP# 2: Apply POWDER. LIGHTENER on hair at new growth. Develop to desired blonde depth, rinse, shampoo and condition
STEP# 3: Take a star section around the crown. Below the star section apply 10.2 on the new growth, smudging the colour seamlessly
STEP# 4: Apply 9.2 on hair at new growth of the star section and ensure a seamless natural blend towards the parting
STEP# 5: Take two diagonal sections in the crescent area and weave to lowlight with 9.2
STEP# 6: Develop, emulsify, rinse, shampoo and condition


STEP# 1: Apply 6.3 + SOFT.VIOLET globally to the new growth
STEP# 2: Take a lightening bolt section at one side, and a bolt section on the other
STEP# 3: Apply 7.34 on all lengths and ends except the hair in the lightening bolt section and bolt section
STEP# 4: Apply 9.3 + CLEAR on lengths and ends in the lightening bolt and bolt sections