Winter wind, snow and sleet have taught us that our New Year’s Resolutions need to involve caring for our hair. We find comfort from the cold and chill by bundling in scarves and sweaters and snuggling up by the fireplace. However, cranking up the thermostat and lighting a nightly fire can be detrimental to our hair. You may have noticed how dry your cuticles are and how parched your face feels but you may not have noticed that your hair is equally as dehydrated.

The first step in reviving your winter hair before the spring is with your daily routine. Switching out your shampoo and conditioner for Perfect Moisture Shampoo and Conditioner will replenish moisture to each strand while protecting your color with its sulfate-free formula.

Next, see what styling habits you have that are contributing to dry strands. If you enjoy blow-drying your hair to perfection or straightening your locks, look into a Cezanne Smoothing Treatment to repair, restore and protect your hair! By getting a Cezanne Smoothing Treatment, you’ll infuse your hair with Vitamins C, E, B3, B5, B6 and Sugar Cane, Lemon, Apple and Green Tea Extracts and smooth your hair the natural way to get a style that will stay put all season long.

Lastly, don’t forget about after care. Often, we jump out of the shower and start our days without prepping our hair with the proper leave-in products. It’s just as important as applying our daily face lotion and sunscreen. Applying moisturizing products to our hair guards our tresses from outside environmental factors. Using Leave-In Crème Conditioner or Leave-In Spray Conditioner  should be our first step out of the shower and if you are heat styling your hair, a Thermal Protectant Spray is a must!

Here’s to a year full of happy strands and healthy hair! If you’re thinking about getting a treatment or simply want to pick up a few key products from Cezanne, follow us on Instagram @Cezanne_Hair and visit for even more helpful tips and tricks!