We all know to look both ways before we cross the street and to avoid swimming for 30 minutes after eating, but did you know that after a Brazilian Blowout there are NO rules? Unlike other treatments, Brazilian Blowout has no down time after completing a service. You can pop your hair into a pony, pull it back with a hair band, or don your favorite hat, because with the Brazilian Blowout, your treatment is finished in the salon.


Although there are no rules, there are a few tips to keep your hair looking its best.


Washing your hair should now feel like a treat, because styling will be a breeze. Invest in a great Shampoo, Conditioner and Masque for your hair to enhance your Brazilian Blowout and give your hair the special treatment. Enhanced with Acai, the Acai Anti-Frizz Shampoo, Conditioner, Masque and Serum will extend the life of your blowout while giving you softer, smoother results.


Use a daily Smoothing Serum to protect your hair from damage. While the Brazilian Blowout will cut down on styling time, damage and frizz, it is still important to have a proper product regiment to enhance your look. Using a daily serum on wet or dry hair will help with detangling, damage from hot tools, and environmental damage.


Apply products to your hair before swimming.  One of the best tricks we’ve learned is to apply a masque to our hair prior to swimming in the pool or ocean, whether you have a smoothing treatment or not. Try running Acai Deep Conditioning Masque through your hair and dispersing with a comb before tying it back into a low pony or braid. This will not only help protect your hair from the harmful elements of the ocean or pool, but will deep condition your strands and cut down on tangles.


Protect your hair from the sun.  We know how bad the sun can be for our skin, which is why we invest in anti-aging miracles, sun protectants and fancy gear to combat its effects. What we often fail to notice is how the sun affects our hair as well. It is important to guard your locks from UVA/UVB damage in order to promote healthy, shiny, beautiful hair. Try a product like Shine & Shield prior to exposure to cut down on the suns harmful effects.


Stay tuned for even more tips and tutorials from Brazilian Blowout!