“Wedding Season” is officially in full swing! Brides everywhere are obsessing over the extreme details of their big day, from flowers, to the ever dreaded seating arrangements. Adding to that, deciding what hairstyle you’ll rock on your wedding day can be pretty overwhelming if you’re not sure which direction to go in. Lucky for us, Beauty Guru Sherri Jessee , has shared with us one of her favorite bridal up do’s, which makes one less decision for our frantic brides out there.


1.)Section out fringe from temple to temple and then smooth the hair into a pony tail high on the head.

2.)Create a “bungee “ with two bobby pins and a small rubber band.

3.)Direct the pony tail forward and secure with the bungee.

4.)Tease a small section of Kankelon hair.

5.)Put the teased synthetic hair in a hair net.

6.)Wrap the hairnet to create a hair pad. Hair pads are perfect to create fullness in a shape.

7.)Attach the hair pad at the crown.

8.)Lightly tease the ponytail and smooth back over the bun pad.

9.)Pin to secure.

10.)Smooth fringe area and sweep to the back.

11.)Pin to secure.

12.)Spray with Pravana NEVO Super Shape Hair Spray for shine and humidity resistant hold.

Hair & Makeup:Sherri Jessee
Photo: Nathan Mays
Model: Melanie Blankenship

Be sure to STALK Sherri Jessee and visit her website sherrijessee.com to see more of her amazing work!