In this tutorial, Jenny T. gives us her advice for wedding season and how to create the perfect bridal shoot, take a peek and leave your advice for the Brides in the comments below!



Whether you are the bride, the best friend, or simply the stylist; wedding planning demands details. This can sometimes cause a great deal of stress on stylist! Throughout wedding season I like to use a few key tricks to keep things working cohesively whether it is for a bride or an editorial bridal shoot.


  • Aim to create a sense of simplicity – Focus on the small details with the hair and makeup and think about the big picture.


  • Sometimes, more is too much – When you have too much going on in an image, or on the big day, the beauty can get lost and can get distracting.


  • Work together – When working on a shoot or the day of, your team is going to be your saving grace. If on a shoot, be open to communication with your photographer as they are going to be capturing your vision. Prior to a wedding, be sure to talk out any and all details with your bride and their guests to ensure a reasonable timeline and structure for the day.


  • Be picky! Choosing your photographer is as important as the bride choosing her stylist. You never know when you’re going to get a great photo and having the perfect photographer will make this process much easier.


With this shoot I played both hair artist and makeup artist, which had me running circles around each model with a smoker as the photographer waited for the perfect timing in the moment. When these details all come together, whether on set or on the big day, that’s when the magic happens!

*on this shoot, the magic actually happened the night before, when it snowed, creating the perfect backdrop – you never know when nature will step in and takeover for you.

Be sure to stalk Jenny T. on Bangstyle and stay up to date with all of her latest uploads, inspirations, and tutorials!