Chelsea Laine, an educator and award winning colorist, brings a fresh perspective to this season's color. With perfectly placed sections, bold yet blended colors and an eye for fashion and style, Chelsea is one to be watched! Take a peek at her latest collection and learn more about how she achieves her looks and the inspiration behind them!



What was the inspiration behind this shoot?

My inspiration for any photo shoot comes partially from fashion, and then often from an emotion that I'd like to portray. Similar to music, or any art form, there is always a feeling I'd like to provoke when I'm planning a collection. 


Can you give us a bit of insight into what the typical creative process behind creating a collection is like?

I mood board often. Whether it's for personal or professional goals, creative or practical, mood boards keep me focused and inspired so that my execution reflects my initial inspiration. Without this visual representation of my ideas it is easy to get distracted and off track, which can result in an unclear message or theme in the final photo. 



Is there a specific area you often find yourself looking to for inspiration?

Fashion and trends are always a consideration when I'm preparing for a shoot. Luckily, there is nothing limiting in the fashion industry. Whether I'm feeling a soft and natural theme or edgy and dark, there is always a way to interpret a trend so that it feels right for the individual, or in this case, the collection.


Do you have any rituals to ensure a successful shoot?

The weeks and months leading up to a photo shoot, I allow myself to become consumed and literally obsessed with my concept. Reviewing, editing and focusing my mood board including; lighting, makeup, shapes, colours, poses, even music for prep and shoot day. 



What is the one product/tool that you can’t live without?

My most valuable tool/product that I couldn't live without is most certainly the colour line I've chosen to partner with. My relationship with Goldwell has propelled my career down a path of education, competition and travel that I am so grateful for. The network of industry experts that I've been exposed to since aligning with this brand has sculpted my career and continues to inspire me, daily. 


If you had a superpower, what would it be?

I'm so torn between breathing under water and flying, Peter Pan style, but I have to choose flying. The ultimate getaway when you need to relax the mind and recharge. All you need is some faith, trust and pixie dust; and of course, your happy thought! 



You color placement is perfection, do you have any tips or tricks you can share with someone looking to achieve a similar look?

For colour placement perfection, my tips would be; clean sections, mixing products according to manufacturers instructions to avoid swelling/drying out, clean your station and your model as you work, and have an organized plan before you start! Draw your sections and subsection on head sheets before you begin and plan your execution. Apply as if you have an audience critiquing you!


How did you decide on these shades?

My color inspiration comes from nature: wood, stones, animals and plants. It can also come from fabrics: wool, silk, metallic and sheers. The elements, technology, literally everything and anything can inspire us if we are paying attention. It's about thinking beyond colour combinations and think of it as creating a visual effect.



How did makeup and styling play a role in this shoot? How did you work together to get the vision across all mediums?

I've been fortunate to be surrounded by super talented and creative minds on the east coast of Canada. Becoming an effective communicator can make or break an endeavor like this. For my latest shoot is collaborated with ceramic artists who made statement jewelry that I used as wardrobe for the models. My makeup artist was a super versatile, familiar with everything from wedding and fashion to special effects. I was confident that we were all clear and excited about the theme, before the day of the shoot, so that we could completely focus on the execution. 


What hair/colour trends do you think we can look forward to this fall?

Commercially, I think this fall we will see sleek, shiny more polished hair making a comeback as well as some dramatic fringes reappearing. Complimenting that, we will see bold red and violet tones drenched and saturated with vibrant pigment. We may also see a surge of super short pixies, verging on buzz cut silhouettes for our bolder, short hair ladies. Outside commercial trends, we will have to see what the most passionate forces in our industry come up with! I can't wait!! 


Be sure to stalk Chelsea on Bangstyle to see her latest uploads and inspiration!