In this Artist Feature, we learn more about Celebrity Stylist and Salon Owner, Pinky Dillon. Learn more about her as an artist, how she go to where see is now, and how she keeps her hair so pink!



How did you first become interested in hair?

I’ve been interested in hair since I was a child; my grandmother's were models and we were always at a salon or an event and I was able to watch all these talented stylists my whole life and I wanted to be just like them.



How has your career changed and emerged?

 I started out at Supercuts, went to a corporate salon, and then became a booth renter, salon manager, Regional manager, was in sales then transitioned to education, platform work, then became an artistic director and brand ambassador!!! I have worked hard and come a long way since then.


My number one priority has always been classes and education, I always strive to educate myself whenever possible, which has now made my dreams come true of being an international artist. Now that I have my own salons and work with many different lines, I love to give back and mentor upcoming stylists and help grow teams for companies.



What have been your biggest challenges?

At certain times, you have to deal with politics within the beauty industry; it has been a real struggle being female and trying to get people to take me seriously. I have worked hard for my career and have failed many times, but will never give up! I am an artist and believe in my work.


Another challenge is the inconsistency in being a celebrity stylist. As a stylist you often don’t have job security and artistic directors do not have it easy. The whole brand lies in your lap when shows fail or classes don't happen, managing all that alone is a lot of work. I have been striving to make a big change by helping artists understand not just their art, but marketing and business skills, which can help them, grow in a successful manner. The beauty industry has changed drastically in the past few years, so I strive to help others stay focused on the important things in our industry, like building foundations for salon and companies teams, great hair, clients, good products and unity. I feel after many of years I finally worked my way into finding the right teams for me personally and 2017 we will see which teams I have chosen. There are ups and downs to any business, however I believe that practicing your craft, growth, and change will only make you stronger and more knowledgeable.



So far, what has been your biggest accomplishment?

Although there are many more to come, I have had many accomplishments already. I would say, my self growth is my biggest accomplishment, that and being a salon owner and Celebrity Stylist



What do you hope to do next?

I would like to have my own Fantasy Color line.



What is your favorite aspect of styling?

 Everything! There's not one thing I don't love when it comes to hair.



What’s the secret to your perfectly pink hair?

Colorphlex! And a lot of pink refresh conditioning treatments in between coloring . I have had this color for almost 10 years and do not change it. My natural hair is almost platinum level 13.


Can you tell us a bit more about the Underground Hair Industry?

I work a lot in clubs, music videos, hair shows and eclectic events. There is a whole world outside of social media and magazine covers and what you see on TV. All over the world is a new scene with different styles and hair and lifestyles to match. I never know what will happen next but soon I will be launching my new Youtube channel so everybody can tune in and see certain types of the underground industry (Goth,Punk,Hip-hop, and Trendy… you name it, you’ll see it).



What is currently your favorite trend? What’s the next big trend?

We have a new Couture Punk/Goth collection coming out in Fall September 2016 this is my new favorite.  Crazy hair color and styles to match are next



Who has influenced you most in your career?

 I can just say one person, as I have had many mentors and I give them all credit equally. My grandmothers have been my biggest inspiration.



If you could talk to yourself at the start of your career, what advice would you give your younger self?

I would say speak up and not let people walk on me or take advantage of my kindness. Have more faith in my talent. Be on time.



What is some advice you can offer the next generation of stylists?

Be honest, don’t have an ego, respect your elders and mentors, take steps to get education and jump on any opportunity. Know your worth and talent, if you don't know, ask. Remember you're your own business so you are what people see, always be yourself and let creativity take over!


To learn more about how to keep your color looking fab like Pinky's, be sure to check out colorpHlex and see more of Pinky's amazing styles @hellopinkyhair!