Gene Juarez Salons and Spa are local Seattle contemporary salons. Started in 1971 with their first location in Seattle, they now have 10 locations and 2 cosmetology schools! At Gene Juarez, they are all about educating their stylists to ensure their clients have the best outcome possible. Not only are they focused on education; they are dedicated to the environment as well. In 2015 they launched their “Sustainability Initiative” in an effort to divert almost 95% of all service waste, from hair clippings to dye. It is no wonder they work with Cezanne in all of their salons. Learn more about this salon, from stylist Adrienne Valenta, and how they utilize Cezanne effectively in each location!


Adrienne Valenta


I am from a small town in Seattle, I got started in hairdressing because I had a few close friends that were in the industry and they absolutely loved it and I wanted that kind of passion in my life and my career. I have been lucky enough to work for Gene Juarez for almost 13 years, specializing in color at the Tacoma location.


What are the mot popular salon services?

It changes based on the time of year. During the summer we see more highlights and clients getting their hair ready for vacation by requesting smoothing services. They want to spend less time styling their hair and more time on vacation and using Cezanne makes their lives so much easier, so we definitely see an influx in requests for Cezanne’s Smoothing Treatment.





As a colorist; how does Cezanne affect your styling?

I love it because it shows off the true color of what I created. By taking away the frizzier, fuzzier texture it let the tone shine through and the hair shows dimension and accents beautifully.


Can you tell us a little more about Gene Juarez Salons?

As a company everyone specializes; there is a design team and a color team. I love being able to work this way because you really get to take care of the client. It is amazing to be able to feel the energy of two people working together to find and tailor someone’s style.


What has been a defining moment for your salon?

When you are a part of a team that is strong, you sometimes forget how many things happen throughout a day. Then you go home at the end of the night and realize all that you accomplished together that day, and to me – that is a big accomplishment. There are so many amazing moments and that is why it is so amazing to work for our company.


Is there a specific area you often find yourself looking to for inspiration?

The first and foremost is getting to know your clients personal style then going through fashion sources, whether it is runway or celebrity styles. Instagram is also a great mainstream place to find inspiration and tailor a look to what your client will like, that is the best part for me!


 As a colorist do you find similarities with your color requests?

Throughout the day I can have anywhere from a bleach and tone with a fashion shade to a beautiful natural gray coverage. Everyday is so different it is about finding your client’s personal style and figuring out how to accentuate it.


What is the one product/tool that you cant live without?

Hot tools! I have curly, chemically treated hair and living in the PNW, the weather can change so much in a day, although it usually just gets frizzy, which is why Cezanne is amazing and essential for me.


How did you create your style of color/technique?

We have our advanced training through Gene Juarez, so we tailor and hone in on skill sets. The education I have had through them really sticks with me and defines who I am as a colorist, because our foundation is so strong.


If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Speed, because I hate working out and would be able to get through workouts faster.


Who have been your mentors along the way?

I am so thankful for our company because I’ve had so many mentors with it, it is hard to pin point. Margery has been my biggest support behind the chair – working with her has taught me so much as a stylist but from the business end to a teaching aspect, I am so grateful for her.


What is the most important goal/standard you set for your stylists?

We have our GJ mantra which is our standard for how we treat each other and our clients it is our golden rule – “Take care of our clients, take care of each other, and always strive for improvement”.


What is your advice for anyone thinking about getting a smoothing treatment?

Just try it, it is one of those things that you just have to go for. I haven’t had a single person tell me they didn’t LOVE it! It is actually amazing how much it will change your daily routine. You don’t have to spend time trying to achieve shine or getting rid of frizz. In the mornings you don’t have to stress about waking up extra early, you can enjoy your cup of coffee and not stress so much – my favorite thing about it, is that it gives you time back.


How has Cezanne changed your styling? What is your favorite product to use?

The express is my all time favorite! It is the gateway product for almost anyone because it offers instant gratification – it creates shiny, smooth and soft strands. It is an instant gratification for the clients and they realize they need it in their life more often.


What is your advice for someone who has never had a smoothing treatment?

I would definitely tell them that it is a lifestyle. It is going to give you everything you want. There is no hesitation, you wash it the same day, it isn’t stick straight, you can still wear it curly and with volume, and you don’t have to jump through hoops, which is so nice!


What is your aspect of styling with Cezanne?

I would say the opportunity of getting to know the client – usually they are flat ironing their hair beyond straight and we get to show them how they can now curl their hair without the frizz. They unlock the ability to style their hair multiple ways that they may not have been able to, prior to this.


It has been such an awesome experience because it has opened up so many options with our clients – all our salons have their own personality and Cezanne has fit perfectly with each location’s personality – the product is versatile and used distinctively throughout all locations.


           To learn more about Cezanne and how it could be beneficial to your salon services, be sure to visit to find out more!