There is no doubt about it, colour has become and integral part of salon services and editorial explorations. Just as precision cutting was the driving force behind creative ventures, creative colour has now taken its place. Take a peek and Travis Bandiera's latest collection and hear what his inspirations behind it are. 


Royals Hair Sydney is proud to present “HOURGLASS”, the latest collection from Salon Manager/Principal Stylist Travis Bandiera, and a Finalist in the 2016 Australian Hair Fashion Awards for Creative Colourist of the Year, and Newcomer of the Year.

The inspiration for HOURGLASS arose from a clock that Travis bought online which had a marble face; he remembers opening it after purchasing it and knew then and there what his collection would be influenced and inspired by. Soon after Travis began researching different types of marble and how it is created and how certain temperatures and minerals will give a varied result on the finish and colour, he also loved the blend of the contrasting colours upon one another.


I used this inspiration to create my looks; I wanted each one of them to be modern but also timeless, playing on the idea of colour. Much of the work is freehand and the colour have gradients in them, relating back to how seamlessly marbly will blend, even with contrasting colours.


Specifically there was one piece of marble I used within this collection which stood out for me — I used all of the colors present in the marble, and re-created them onto the hair. With the styling and finishing I also used the video of how marble is glossy yet matte — dual textured. 

Be sure to check out his other collection with Mary Alamine, Nebula & stalk Travis Bandiera on Bangstyle to see all of his latest hair art! 


Hair: Travis Bandiera
Hair Colour: Travis Bandiera
Photographer: Daniel Knott
Makeup Artist: Mikele Simone
                        Stephanie Pettito
Salon: Royals Hair