Cover Photo: Courtesy of Kelly Osbourne's Instagram for #PinkArmy and @raceforlife

One of our first introductions to Kelly was on Meet The Osbournes, who would have known then, that she would become such a style icon? We envy her hairstylist, being able to play with the hair of this color chameleon! As an inspiration to us all, we wanted to show a little love for Kelly and the hair inspiration she has given us throughout the years.


Kelly was clearly a trendsetter when she debuted on The Osbournes, her short spikey style with pink accents was perfectly punk with a touch of spunk. She reminded us of her lovely mom, Sharon, with this short style.


From pink, Kelly transitioned to a bright shade of blonde as she began to grow it out into a bob. She really began to shine when this style came about, and we began to notice her sweeter side.


After blonde came gray for a bit, seasons ahead of the trend, yet again. Kelly set the pace for all over fantasy color in a celebrity setting. This past spring gray had a major impact again, but we still loved Kelly’s original version.


When she got over her gray, she went back to blonde, this time opting for a creamier shade than her original platinum with yellow undertones. This time around her tresses had a violet hue, which leads us to our favorite…



If we didn’t know any better, we would have thought this color was made just for her! It perfectly compliments the way she dresses, her demure yet punk vibe, while accentuating her skin tone. Although Kelly has played with the length and hue of her Violet, it looks like it is here to stay for a while! This color allows Kelly’s signature lip shades to evolve from nudes to brights, and everything in between. Recently Kelly showed off a shaved head with a perfectly placed tattoo, that reads “Stories…”


We love everything you do and can’t wait to see what you’ll be wearing next Ms. Osbourne….Rock On!