We are thrilled to partner with the Professional Beauty Association (PBA) to promote all of the talented artists who are finalists for the 2016 NAHAs (North American Hairstyling Awards), the most prestigious hair and beauty award in the country. Bangstyle had the honor of interviewing amazing hair artist, and one of this year’s finalists in the “Makeup Artist Of The Year” category, David Maderich.

Raw. Seductive. Flawless. That is how we would describe this incredible collection from David Maderich. With intense beauty comes a well thought out approach to his art, which we are so excited to share with you. As you feast your eyes on the dazzling composition and perfectly placed petals, you mind will wander into David’s world of splendor. See the beauty for yourself and learn more about David and the inspiration behind his collection.  



What was the inspiration behind the "Broken Blossoms" collection?

I became obsessed this year with the art of Robert Mapplethorpe - in particular his images of dark skinned models as well as his portraits of exotic flowers.  What intrigued me about his work was no matter how beautiful his images appeared, they always had a certain melancholy about them.  I often walked past his old apartment in the East Village; and one day I noticed a discarded and destroyed bouquet of flowers on his doorstep - it was at that moment my NAHA concept of Broken Blossoms was born.


What do you think is the most exciting technique in the world of makeup today?

I think the most exciting thing happening in the world of makeup is the freedom to color outside of the lines.  For many years, makeup was defined by a flawless application - and it still is - but makeup artists are now allowed to create art on the face without stuffy old-fashioned rules.


Tell us about the process of organizing the shoot?

 First and foremost, before any planning, an artist should have a clear concept of what the final image will be.  My personal secret to a successful shoot is an amazing model.  Most hairdressers pick a model based on hair  - and that is dead wrong.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve witnessed a hairdresser pick a model with great hair and then put a wig on her - wrong, wrong and more wrong. Pick a model by the face - an amazing model will sell your vision.  A famous makeup artist once told me the quality of the models in your portfolio directly reflects your status in the industry. 


How did you pick your team?

When it comes to personal projects such as my NAHA entry, I can be a tough taskmaster.  I want a photographer that is willing to trust my instincts and allow me to create without judgment.  Since I was applying flower petals to the face, I also needed a patient model.  I was lucky: both my photographer and model were wonderful.


How did you work with your team to create a focus on the collection you are creating?

I used to work for Prince.  One of the many things I learned from being in his employment was to take chances and never follow the leader.  Prince made some amazing music, and he also made some not so amazing music, but it was all his - sometimes you have to take chances win or lose to create great art.

That being said, as a makeup artist, I don’t like to copy what’s in Vogue or use storyboards.  Whenever I am given a storyboard, it confuses me: Am I supposed to copy the photos?  Nine times out of ten, the models in the storyboards have no resemblance to the models on the shoot, so the storyboard thing baffles me.  I also find storyboards promote plagiarism and redundancy.  I much prefer for things to happen organically. I mean, we are supposed to be artists, so let’s come up with our own original ideas. Get out a sketchbook and create.


What was the planning process behind the hairstyles?

Since this is a makeup entry, I wanted the hair to take a backseat to my vision. Kristan Serafino did an amazing job of creating simple, yet edgy modern hair that complimented my makeup. 



What was the most important aspect of this shoot?

The most important aspect of this shoot is that every element - model, makeup, hair, and photography - works.  It’s so important that every artist on a shoot is on the same page and respectful of what the final image is going to be.   If one element of a shoot is off, the photo will be mediocre. 


Are you artistic outside of the medium of makeup artistry?

I think anyone that works in the beauty industry is an artist.  I love to paint, draw and garden.


What are the tools or products you can’t live without?

I’m not a slave to any one product or tool - I’m constantly trying new products.  At this moment, I’m obsessed with Face Atelier foundations, Hakuhudo brushes and Pat Mcgrath’s upcoming makeup collection.


Favorite type of music to set the mood at shoots?

I love music, but I don’t like anything loud or distracting on my shoots.  My perfect onset playlist would be 1970s disco.


Salty or Sweet?

Things that start off salty often turn into something sweet.


Any fun plans while in Vegas!?

I love attending NAHA in Vegas because it allows me to connect with so many friends in the industry.


Who don’t you want to forget to thank on stage?

I can't forget to thank my good friend and amazing photographer Roberto Ligresti as well two sources of inspiration: Maggie Mulhern and Vivienne Mackinder.  I also don’t want to forget my amazing parents that never ever tried to force their circular son into a square hole.


Be sure to see the inspirations behind all of the NAHA Collections, on Bangstyle!