Jordi Pérez was born in Spain with barbering in his blood. Both his father and grandfather were barbers by trade, which meant his fate was written in the stars. Nothing but pride exudes when Jordi speaks of his upbringing and current love for his craft. In his most recent collection, we instantly adore the way in which he uses barbering skills to portray strength and beauty within the female form. Fierce shapes and diverse texture accompany his creations that we're inspired by fashion shows of New York, London, Milan, and Paris. Keep reading to learn more about Jordi and his beautiful outlook on his collection and the industry. 

Can you tell us a little more about you and your styling background? What drew you to hairstyling?

The fact that my grandfather and father were barbers meant that in my house, the barbershop environment was normal and inevitably, that was my introduction to the trade.

What is your favorite technique to use?

Well, I love to train and learn all kinds of new techniques, but if I have to choose one, then I would have to say any technique that can be done using a blade.

What has been the biggest defining moment in your career?

Oof!!! A very difficult question, this profession has given me so much satisfaction and some very intense moments. Maybe when I was a finalist in London, at the Visionary Awards, in the men's category and had the opportunity to parade, along with my model on the stage at the Royal Albert Hall, or when I was awarded the best male cut award in Chicago, during the American Beauty Show at the Art Institute of Chicago. These were moments of extraordinary happiness, which made me feel proud and privileged to have dedicated myself to this job.

Is there a specific area you often find yourself looking to for inspiration?

Yes, in the cut and the masculine tendencies, I cannot avoid it, wherever I go or wherever I am, I am always looking at people’s hairstyles, thinking about which technique was used to create them and whether I would do the same or something different.

What is the one product/tool that you can’t live without?

I love the entire SebMan and Sebastian product line, products such as Drynamic and Texture Maker, but when I really want to create magic in the hair, I use Nioxin's Diaboost.

How did you dream up your latest styles?

For a while, I was following the male haute couture fashion shows in Paris, Milan, London, and New York.  I collected a lot of information about the hairstyles that the models wore, and together with the creative team at La Barberia de Gràcia, we decided what to do with all our research, the fruition of which was our latest collection “Squad”.

How do you use styling to enhance your images?

Every time we create an image, we give great importance to all the elements that feature in it, and styling is one of those elements. First, I have a conversation with the stylist in which I explain the inspiration and what I want to express in the collection, then they tell me their ideas and we work together until we find what we both like and feel will fit in the collection.

How did you work with your makeup/styling team to craft a final image?

As with the stylist, I always explain to the make-up artist what I want to convey in the images of the collection, but most of the time, we choose very natural make-up, to eliminate shine and correct defects.

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Without a doubt the superpower of flying at super speed, to be able to travel around the world and enjoy all the wonders it offers.

Who were your mentors along the way and how have they shaped your career?

More than anyone my father.  He was the person who initiated me and taught me the basis of the trade.

What hair/color trends can we look forward to this season?

In the masculine world, color does not have as much presence as in the feminine one, but apart from very colorful and very solid colors, such as green grass or intense blues, the guys keep asking for silvery colors, and cold whites.

           Click here to stalk Jordi Pérez and see his other collections!