Marking the end of the Award Season, the 2020 Oscars hit all the high notes when it came to style, performances, beauty and speeches. Without a host, it led way to really let the stars shine in their own unique ways. With big wins like Joaquin Phoenix for Joker, Renée Zellweger for her portrayal of Judy Garland, The Parasite for Best Picture, and Laura Dern and Bratt Pitt for their supporting roles, the night also showcased larger than life performances from Elton John, Billie Eilish, Cynthia Ervo and Janelle Monae to name a few. 

Throughout award season, we’ve seen KEVIN.MURPHY products used behind the scenes to create some of the season’s most memorable styles. From Joaquin Phoenix and Noah Schnapp at the SAG Awards to Olivia Coleman at the Golden Globes and now Mindy Kaling at the Oscars. When it comes to creating beautiful styles that last, KEVIN.MURPHY is trusted for high style due to its high-performance results. Keep reading to see the steps Celebrity Stylist Marc Mean utilised to create Mindy Kaling’s Oscar 2020 look and scroll to see how KEVIN.MURPHY shined on the Red Carpet this season. 




  1. I prepped Mindy’s hair with KEVIN.MURPHY’s HEATED.DEFENSE for heat protection, and then worked in BODY.BUILDER volumising mousse to add control and body.
  2. I then used a medium-size round brush to blow out her hair in 1’ sections.
  3. To create the curl, I used a 1’ curling iron, twisting and wrapping the hair around the barrel from the front to the back of her head, all in the same direction. We then created a deep side part on the right, and combed the hair behind her ears.
  4. Once all of her hair was curled, I let it sit for a little while to cool and set. Then, I went in with a teasing comb and backcombed to create a wave pattern. In some sections I recurled the hair, and then combed it through again.
  5. To finalise the look, I sealed in the waves with SESSION.SPRAY FLEX, and added extra shine with the SHIMMER.SHINE shine spray.


Go behind the scenes with Vanity Fair below as they dive into Mindy's total look!



Hero product: SUPER.GOO






Hero product: ROUGH.RIDER


To see even more fashion-forward style, be sure to head over to @KEVIN.MURPHY on Instagram!