During the holidays, hair appointments may be harder to come by than ever before but our hair doesn’t seem to get the memo to stop growing so fast. How can we make our ‘just done’ hair look fresh between hair appointments? Follow these tips to maximize your hair investment before the festivities begin!

Quench Your Thirst

Everyone knows when its time to get into your hairstylist's chair. Beyond the regrowth, everything just starts looking a bit dull and drab. Split ends happen when hair gets so dry and brittle that it begins to separate, and once they start they can't be repaired. This is why the best option is to avoid them altogether. How can we prevent this from happening, or at least prolong it? Moisture, protein, shine repeat. 


For Repair:




Caution HEAT Warning

Just like your skin and your clothes heat is a prime suspect in dry, dull, needs some lovin’ hair. Heat fades color, pulls out toners, and drains the moisture from your locks. While avoiding heat is your best bet, we know it isn’t always possible. In this case investing in heat protectors for pre-blow-dry and pre iron work will help your hair look salon fresh for the long haul.


Recommended: Keune Style Instant Blow Dry No 37


Push it to the Limit

If you are going to heat style then consider investing in some products that don't just protect your hair...but maximize that heat. Try setting your hair (that means curling it and not brushing it out right away so it has a chance to cool) to encourage curls to last longer. Then, play with some style saving products for day 2,3 and 4 hair. **make sure to shampoo twice on your next shampoo to avoid product build-up

Recommended: Redken Invisible Dry Shampoo


Braids for Days

Last but certainly not least is an oldy but a goody. So much damage can happen to our hair during an activity we do with 50% of our day…SLEEP! Braids help our hair stay neat and organized when we sleep eliminating that whole extreme bedhead that roughens up our strands (also consider a silk pillowcase!). Beyond a great bedtime routine braids can act as a heatless style with the right leave-in products.

Recommended: Redken Braid Aid 03