We are thrilled to partner with the Professional Beauty Association (PBA) to promote all the amazing artists who are finalists for the 2015 NAHAs (North American Hairstyling Awards), the most prestigious hair and beauty award in the country. Bangstyle had the pleasure of getting to know David Maderich, one of this year’s finalists in the “Makeup Artist of the Year" category. Check out our exclusive interview with David to learn more about his collection and what fuels his passion for beauty.

Tell us a bit about your nominated collection this year. What was the inspiration behind the looks? How did the creative process unfold?
My collection is called Smoke and Mirrors; and this collection is without a doubt the most true to who I am as an artist. I created my images with the idea that all of us are hiding behind masks of “smoke and mirrors” that we create to face the world. The collection took months worth of thought process, but the actual shoot took only a few hours. I like to sketch out my ideas on paper. Personally, I don’t believe in mood boards. I not only find them confusing, but I think they foster mediocrity and redundancy.

Were there collections in other categories that you found inspiring or particularly appealing?
I find every entry inspiring, because as a nominee myself, I know the drama, joy and pain that comes with creating a collection. Bravo to all the nominees.

Which non-beauty related areas do you constantly find yourself being inspired by?
I love all aspects of creating beauty, but I’m also inspired by business and the art of turning beauty into commerce. 

Who influenced you the most in your career?
I can’t say one single person has influenced my career. I’ve always marched to my own drummer - I’ve never tried to fit in. If I had to name people I admire it would be Andy Warhol, Boy George, Amanda Lepore or Alexander McQueen - people that turned their freakiness into art, as well as commerce. 

What time of day do you feel most creative?
I am a night owl and I get my best ideas late at night while listening to music.

What is your recipe for a successful shoot?
A successful shoot is when all elements - hair, makeup, styling, photography - come together to form a nonjudgmental creative think tank that manifests itself into good photos. That said, it’s important for everyone to be on the same page with the same vision in sight. 

What is your favorite aspect of being a makeup artist?
I love making people smile with the power of makeup. 

What role does Digital play in your success as an artist? 
I’m old school - I started with film and polaroids - so your art had to be flawless because there was no second chances. One of the advantages of digital photography is it allows an artist to experiment with colors and shapes; and if it doesn’t look good on the screen, it can be changed. However, digital has also created an avalanche of artists that depend on digital technology (Photoshop) to fix their mistakes. 

Most humbling moment as an artist?
In this industry, a working artist can never have an ego, because when all is said and done, we are just the hired help. Living in NYC, and working in fashion, I am surrounded by people that think the world begins and ends with the shape of an eyebrow. I try to remember at the end of the day, whatever art I have created, inevitably ends up on a makeup wipe. 

What’s your guilty pleasure?
I have so many guilty pleasures - what’s life without some naughty fun? Reality television, chocolate and anything with gluten and sugar.