Hair Lab Detroit is owned and run by the dynamic duo Rodrick Samuels and Lauren Moser Samuels. Married just last year these two are one of our favorite couples in the industry. They exude such passion and drive in all that they do and work hard to foster teamwork make their salon a place of inspiration. As they continue to grow they are also expanding their educational services within their academy. Keep reading to learn more about Hair Lab Detroit and the exciting things they have coming next! 

If you could define your salon in 3 words, what would they be? 

Fun, professional and laidback

What is your favorite part of your workday? 

My favorite part of the workday is when all of the clients are done and our team can get together and talk about the day. That always leaves us fueled for the next day and also helps to improve in areas we may not have been aware of.

What makes your salon unique? 

What makes Hair Lab Detroit unique is our diversity. People from all backgrounds come into our space and feel comfortable. They are not worried about being typecast or rejected for services based on their hair texture.

How does the atmosphere affect the workflow 

The atmosphere at Hair Lab Detroit is always, lively, positive and energetic so it makes the day go be really easy. Even if there is a cancellation or a client shows up late, having a positive environment keeps us on track and from having a meltdown when met with challenges.

Favorite type of music to listen to in the salon? 

Our favorite type of music to play in the salon is Motown Classics. The distinctive, upbeat and uplifting music brought together pop and soul, white and black, old and young, like never before and continues to this day especially in our Salon in downtown Detroit.

What are the most popular salon services? Color trends? 

Our most popular salon services are Curly Hair sculpting, (Lauren Moser Samuels) and Men’s grooming (Rodrick Samuels). The color trends that have been really popular as of lately are a wide array of reds.

Are there any projects or adventures on the horizon for Hair Lab Detroit?

We have several projects on the horizon for Hair Lab Detroit and Hair Lab Detroit the Academy. At the top of our list right now is ramping up or educational services as well as expanding our salon and salon service. Stay tuned!

For even more hair inspiration, be sure to stalk Rodrick and Lauren on Bangstyle and if you're in Detroit, definitely check out Hair Lab Detroit!