At the moment, social distancing has become somewhat of a “norm” for the lives of many around the globe. A phenomena enabled by the growing spread of Covid-19, also known as coronavirus. While we are still learning more about more about this pandemic everyday, what we do know is that the shape of our cities, our friendships and our lives are taking on alternate routines from what we are accustomed to. It all impacts us in different ways, and as we navigate this together, there are great developments in ways to spend our time online. Check out a few activities you can add to your routine to help you feel connected. 


Host a Zoom happy hour!

I’ll be honest, even if it was just with my closest girlfriends wearing our favorite pj’s, scheduling an end of the week zoom call gave me a reason to do my hair and put on a lip tint. Spending a little time talking with different personalities created perspective, and a nice little getaway from the everyday. Which is what led us to the next idea… 

Start a bookclub

Whether you create one with friends or join an online option. If you do a quick search on Instagram, there are some great ones like Reese Witherspoon's Book Club, or Oprah’s Book Club! It is a great way to keep your mind busy while keeping you accountable for something other than Netflix binging. 

Enroll in an online class

With so many online resources available from universities to brands and educators, it’s a great idea to fill your time by expanding your knowledge base. From learning a new language to brushing up on business skills, or hairstyling tricks - there’s something for everyone!

Try Netflix Party!

If all you can think about is what to watch next on Netflix (we see absolutely no shame in that game) consider downloading the Chrome Extension for Netflix Party. It can add a new level of fun (and community connection!) to your latest binge. 

Start an Instagram Co-Watch

Instagram just launched a new way to scroll endless memes with friends. Dubbed “Co-Watch”, what you can do is join a group chat with friends and scroll through your Instagram feeds together! 

Enjoy your time

All too often we’re left searching for “more time”, and now that we finally have it many of us don’t know what to do with it. Ramp up your self-care routine, revisit your favorite hobbies, or learn new ones!