We know you have style, we can see it from a mile away! But, there is a delicate balance between “naturally” cool and just slightly overdone when it comes to your hair and the product you apply.  Sadly, it’s easy to go from “perfectly coiffed” to “over-styled” in a snap. Check out our top 5 factors to consider ensuring you’re not over-styling.

5.  What type of product are you using? Not all products are created equal and not all hair is the same. If you are using a Molding Paste , you may need to scale back to a light hold product like Light Hold Texture Lotion instead. Or, try considering the hold factor and sheen prior to applying – this will help you to gauge how much to use. If your product pick has a strong hold, you may just need to scale back on the amount.

4. What is your starting point? Are you a ‘leave the house with wet hair while running a little gel through it on the way out the door’ guy? Or do you take time to blow dry and give your locks a lift? The behavior of the type of product you are using can vary whether it is air drying into wet hair, blow-dried in or even applied to dry hair. To avoid over-styling, be sure to see what the brand recommends for application.

3. How thick is your hair? You may be over-styling just by doing what the bottle says. To keep your hipster game on point, you need to think about the actual thickness of each strand. While you may have a lot of hair, it can still be baby fine and easily over-styled. Adversely, if your mane is a beast to be reckoned with, you are going to need to pump up both your styling and product routine to keep your coif in check.

2. Consider the length of your hair. If you are blessed with long hair and rub it into the rest with your fancy man buns and dude braids, then yes… you sir are in fact entitled to use a bit more styling product. You need it. For those with more conservative cuts, you might only need to apply a dime to quarter size amount to ensure enough movement-to-hold ratio for shorter styles.

Drumroll please… what is the top factor to consider to avoid over-styling?

1.What hair texture are you? When styling your hair you need to take into account if you have fine flat strands or if you are blessed with texture that’s just begging to hold a style in place.  Curls and coarse texture can be a blessing for movement and style, but can be tough to find the right product regimen to tame them. For finer textures, stick to creams and sprays like Grooming Cream or Alternator.


If you’re not sure about the best technique for your style, speak with your stylist of barber – they know your hair the best. For more helpful styling tips and tricks be sure to stalk American Crew on Bangstyle and check out their latest techniques on Instagram @AmericanCrew.