The KEVIN.MURPHY RETOUCH.ME root touch-up spray is anything but basic. While it is often a lifesaver for clients looking to prolong their colour services, for stylists, it can be so much more. From temporarily covering gray to shadow roots and creative placement – a non-permanent solution that easily washes out may be just what your client is looking for. Read on to learn how to teach clients about this product.

What It Is

Much like with every product, it’s important to explain to clients exactly what RETOUCH.ME spray does. Essentially, the product covers up any signs of growth or gray hair in a single spritz. Clients can apply it in the same manner as they would apply dry shampoo. The micro-fine pigments conceal roots and provide a multi-dimensional finish without any harsh lines.

What It Is Not

Though RETOUCH.ME will allow clients to go longer in between appointments, it doesn’t replace the need for colour touch-ups. Unlike actual hair colour, RETOUCH.ME is a temporary fix for concealing signs of growth. The colour will come out after a wash and your client will be back to square one.

When To Use It

Clients should be instructed to think about the product as the “dry shampoo” for hair colour. Dry shampoo temporarily gives a fresh, clean feeling to dirty strands, but it doesn’t replace the need for actual shampoo. The same rule applies to RETOUCH.ME—it should be used to conceal a couple of pesky gray hairs in a pinch (i.e. on a busy morning, when traveling, etc.), but it doesn’t replace the need for regular colour touch-ups.

How To Use It

Anyone who has ever sat in your chair is most likely looking for a change. Sure, a new cut can be exciting, but that excitement often fades quickly and isn't as easily adjustable as hair colour! Whether they are looking for a small or large transformation, colour is usually the best way to satisfy that craving for them. Now, with RETOUCH.ME, there is an effortless, faster and more convenient way to give your clients a change that won't damage their strands. Get creative with RETOUCH.ME! Offer them an ombre for the day or a sombre for the weekend. It gives them the chance to try on a new look before making the full commitment. 



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