Anne Veck is an Award Winning hair artist, salon owner and one of the biggest inspirations when it comes to creative styling. She trained at the Academie de Paris where I qualified with the Brevet Professionnel Coiffure Mixte in 1984 at the age of 21. In 2012, she joined the Haute Coiffure Francaise Artistic Team on stage at le Louvre in Paris for their breathtaking show. In the intervening 28 years she has spent most of her career in England learning the art and business of hairdressing in a series of small town salons before opening her own two-salon group. She began discovering the exciting world of education, photo shoots, platform work and session styling and while it’s been a long journey, she is now in a place where she is enjoying her career within the industry she loves, more than ever. To learn more about the amazing artist she is, be sure to check out one of her latest collections and see where she draws her inspirations from!


What drew you to hair styling? 

I feel in it a bit by mistake, my family situation forced me to leave school at 16 and get a job. My mum's hairdresser was looking for an apprentice...the rest is history!

What is your favorite technique to use?

I like to experiment with new techniques and texture all the time. But If I had to pick one it would be plaiting. The textures you can achieve with plaiting is endless.

What has been your biggest defining moment in your career? There have been a few: opening my first salon, receiving AIPP Best Men’s award at the Royal Albert Hall in 2011 and Best PHOTO 2016. Becoming a REVLON Ambassador. Winning BHA , REVLON and AIPP all in the same year2016. And, presenting my work in Soa Paulo Brazil last year.....

Who were your mentors along the way and how have they shaped your career?  The team HCF, the work of Alexandre de Paris, Odile Gilbert, it is all very inspiring and they show a lot of emotion in their work. You can feel the real passion. In UK my fellow team members of the Revlon Team inspire me every day!

What is this collection saying about Women’s Trends? It’s all about beauty and power.

What is the one product/tool that you can’t live without? My Mac Book pro. I don't go anywhere without it, and I hate if I have to go on holiday somewhere where I know I won't get an internet connection.

If you had a superpower, what would it be? To be in 2 places at once so I could achieve twice as much.

What hair/color trends can we look forward to this season? 

All the A-listers are experimenting with rainbow hair hues. From soft, pastel ice-cream tones, to bright and bold rainbow shades, cool colours are the way to go when it comes to your locks. Rita Ora recently showed off her colourful rainbow hair in a fantastic high ponytail and model Chloe Norgaard went for a more daring green at the A/W London Fashion Week. Pantone naming greenery as the colour of the year is bang on trend! It is very good news for salon services because these colours are very high maintenance. They must be applied on previously lightened hair and the client must be educated in keeping their tresses in good condition to make sure the colour looks it's best. The analogy I like to use is a coat of nail polish for your hair; it won't last forever, but that means you can change it as often as you like to match your outfits.

Do you have advice for up and coming hair stylists? Don't be afraid of hard work and you have to project. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, it will make it perfect.

To learn more about Anne Veck, be sure to stalk her on Bangstyle and stay tuned for even more inspiration!