It’s (finally) beginning to look a lot like fall, and as the leaves begin to turn and the winter winds start to pick up there are a few changes in routine every man should adopt before the blizzards begin. California may be known for their warm fronts while the East Coast is already battening down the hatches, and regardless of exactly what degree it, hits the change in weather can affect your skin no matter where you live. From traveling to the thermostat being kicked up a few notches and the bite of the winter wind. Read on to find out our top tips for keeping your grooming routine in check this winter. 


Concentrate on hydration

Due to the drop in temps, we tend to reach for things that warm the body (and soul). Water is replaced by hot tea, holiday-themed coffee consumption is inevitable and Eggnog and tasty cocktails make their way into holiday parties, Friends-givings, and dinner parties all around. It is especially important during this time of year to increase water consumption to hydrate your skin. Are your lips usually chapped during this time of year? This is a tell-tale sign that you are in fact dehydrated and the weather is taking a toll on your skin. 


Exfoliate once a week

As the seasons change you may notice dry skin more often due to dehydration, the change in temperature, and the addition of heaters at every turn. You’ll want to exfoliate at least once a week to slough off dead skin cells, which will create a more even texture and allow products to penetrate better.

Switch out your products

This doesn’t mean you need to ditch them all together. However, as the cold front sets in, you’ll want to add a product (or two) to combat the elements. Think about layering a heavier moisturizer over your daily routine or adding a heavier cream at night to renew your skin. If you rock a beard, you’ll want to make sure to add beard oil to your regimen. American Crew Beard Serum will add shine and moisture to your beard, leaving it soft, silky and supple.

Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.

Moisturizing your skin starts when you shave your face. It is imperative to guard your skin against the blades by using a quality shave cream. We suggest American Crew Moisturizing Shave Cream to give you a close shave when you want it and moisture where you need it. It will safeguard your skin for a smooth and supple finish. 

If you’re not sure about the best technique for your style, speak with your stylist or barber – they know your hair the best. For more helpful styling tips and tricks be sure to stalk American Crew on Bangstyle and check out their latest techniques on Instagram @AmericanCrew.