Sure, getting a trim every 6-8 weeks and cutting down on heat styling will certainly reduce hair damage. But, if you really want to improve the health of your hair, switching up your everyday haircare routine will have the most impact. From the water we wash with to the amount of UV rays our hair is exposed to, and how often we wear a topknot, all of these factors can cause stress to our strands and lead to seriously lackluster locks. Instead of worrying about what you shouldn’t be doing, let’s look at what you should do.

How To Improve The Health of Your Hair

Take Time For Yourself

Healthy hair starts with healthy moments, and taking time to indulge in self care is the best way to start. Simply adding a deep conditioning treatment every week or every other week can make a huge impact on the way your hair feels. Plus, it’s a great reminder to slow down your routine and indulge. From color-depositing options to masks that target frizz or strengthen hair — there are plenty of masks or rinse-out treatments for a variety of hair types and concerns.

Add A Pre-Shampoo Treatment

Masks can be ideal for adding moisture, but they can also add strength. Take the Redken Acidic Bonding Concentrate Intensive Treatment, for example. This pH-balancing pre-shampoo treatment strengthens and repairs hair with just one use* to reveal 14x smoother hair* while improving breakage for 2x stronger hair*. In addition, it reinforces weakened bonds* with results of up to 90% more conditioned hair*. To use, apply to wet hair, lather and rinse after 5-10 minutes, then follow with Acidic Bonding Concentrate Shampoo & Conditioner. From the application to the result, this treatment is an easy add-on to your shower routine with many benefits for your hair health.

Use A Single System

We love to mix and match, especially when it comes to hair care. But if you’re looking for specific results, it can be best to stick to a single system to reap the benefits. Most haircare systems, like Redken Acidic Bonding Concentrate, were created to be used together for optimum results.

Don’t Forget To Finish With A Leave-In Treatment

When it comes to great haircare, sometimes it can feel like there are a lot of steps to follow. However, the finishing step is just as important as everything up to that point. After adding strength and repair with Acidic Bonding Concentrate Intensive Treatment, Shampoo & Conditioner, follow with Redken Acidic Bonding Concentrate Leave-In Treatment. This leave-in provides repair and conditioning while protecting the hair from heat styling up to 450° F and reinforces weakened bonds. Ultimately leading to 56% less breakage** 82% less visible split ends*** and 11x smoother hair***.


* When using Acidic Bonding Concentrate Intensive Pre-Treatment, Shampoo & Conditioner vs Non-Conditioning Shampoo.

** When used as a system of Acidic Bonding Concentrate Shampoo and Conditioner vs. non-conditioning shampoo (L’Oreal Product Test: Date: August 7, 2020)

*** When used as a system of Acidic Bonding Concentrate Shampoo, Conditioner and Leave-In Treatment vs. non-conditioning shampoo (L’Oreal Product Test :Date: August 6, 2020)