Educators play such a vital role in the lives and careers of the students they teach. From helping them build and grow their foundations to offering them expert tips, inspiration, and mentorship, they touch the lives of many.  May 4th is National Teacher Appreciation Day and is the perfect time to reach out and connect with teachers past and present and let them know how much they mean to you!  

This past year, we’ve seen a shift to virtual education which has opened up the spectrum to new teachers in the professional beauty industry that has turned to Facebook and Zoom for the first time to share. It takes courage and generosity to be a teacher, and the industry needs more now than ever as it adapts to the new way of doing business.  Sam Villa, Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer of Sam Villa and Global Artistic Ambassador for Redken, believes “an investment in education, is an investment in the future” and shares some of his “Sammyisms” to help inspire new teachers.

“I believe information cannot be turned into knowledge without education. Education allows us to interpret ideas and have opinions, it creates change and allows us to evolve…it’s one of our most powerful tools.  Moving forward, we’ll see a blended approach to education, virtual-online and face-to-face.  Teachers now have so many more educational platforms to share their knowledge, it’s very exciting!” explains Villa.


  • The purpose of education is to enlighten an individual and develop his/her capacity to the limit.
  • Education eliminates repetition and boredom, there’s danger in the comfort zone.
  • Logic can solve problems, but creativity breeds inspiration.
  • Teach with intent and purpose.
  • Guide students but allow them to make mistakes and problem solve on their own.
  • Help students focus on how they can versus why they can’t.
  • The past is where we learn, the present and future is where we apply it.
  • Think about techniques that minimize the effort to maximize the impact.
  • Learn to listen then listen to learn.
  • It’s not about you, it’s about them.
  • Practice, practice, practice!!

“And remember my friends, as teachers, we must never cease to learn as education is essential for any kind of development,” adds Villa who is a 2021 NAHA Finalist for Educator of the Year!  Connect and evolve as a teacher and hairdresser with the Sam Villa team here.