Beauty sleep isn’t a myth—it’s a necessity! Getting a good night’s rest is the number one way to keep your body in optimal health, especially when it comes to your locks: Sleep on your hair the right way and you’ll wake up with gorgeous tresses in the A.M. On the contrary, if you’re constantly tossing and turning all night long, you run the risk of major breakage, frizzing and dryness. Here, the top do’s and don’ts for sleeping on your strands.

DON’T go to sleep with your hair soaking wet 

Your hair is extremely fragile post-shower, which means rubbing your hair against a cotton pillowcase can leave it even more vulnerable to breakage. Instead, allow your hair to air-dry until partially damp/almost dry, then apply a small amount of styling product to ensure that you don’t wake up with frizz, flat or unruly locks in the morning. Those with straight hair should apply Redken Thickening Lotion 06 All Over Body Builder, a texturizing styling creme, to add grit and body, while those with wavy or curly strands should apply Redken No Blow Dry Bossy Cream, a frizz-controlling gel, to enhance your natural curl pattern.

Redken Thickening Lotion 06 All Over Body Builder


Redken No Blow Dry Bossy Cream


DO embrace protective styles at nighttime

Sleeping with your hair down can cause knotting and breakage, especially if you’re constantly tossing and turning or if you have extensions. Your best bet? Aim to sleep in a protective style every night, whether it’s a loose braid, a low pony or a “pineapple” ponytail on top of your head. For those with extensions, nighttime care is especially important. Before hitting the sack, brush your hair and untangle any knots, apply a leave-in conditioner to the ends, then braid your hair.


DON’T use hair elastics

Traditional hair ties can do a number on your strands, especially in bed. Tie a hair elastic on wet hair and you’re almost guaranteed breakage! Instead, swap your standard hair ties for scrunchies or label.m Bungee Hooks. Both options put way less stress on your hair and won’t leave a dent in the morning.

label.m Bungee Hooks

DO invest in a silk pillowcase

Cotton pillowcases are extremely rough on both your hair and skin. In fact, standard pillowcases can tug on your skin, causing premature fine lines and wrinkles, and harbor bad bacteria, resulting in blemishes. Do your skin and your locks a favor and buy a silk pillowcase. Your hair and your skin will glide over the fabric, causing less irritation. In the A.M., you’ll wake up with a fresh, glowing complexion and smooth, manageable locks—no bedhead in sight!

DON’T forget to oil up

Bedtime is the perfect opportunity to provide your hair with some much-needed TLC. Once a week, slather your ends in a nourishing oil, such argan oil. You can even apply oil infused with a few drops of rosemary or peppermint oil to your scalp to destress and kickstart hair growth - try Saje Peppermint Halo Wand. Wrap your hair into a bun on top of your head, cover your pillow with a towel, then wake up and wash your locks! See, it IS possible to get gorgeous hair while you’re catching some Zzzs!