A great way to bond with your clients, either in the chair or from a distance, lies in the ability to give them solid styling advice. It adds value to your services and builds a loyal customer base. In a time where low-maintenance styles and effortless looks are making a comeback, low key, time-saving hair hacks are the way to your client’s heart. “We need to get creative right now by taking things that are complicated and making them seem easy,” explains Sam Villa, Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer Sam Villa and Global Artistic Ambassador for Redken.

Keep reading for some of Sam’s top ways to save precious time! 


1. Focus on the Top

When blow-drying in a hurry, don't get too worried about the hair lower on the head...just get it dry and try to polish the very ends a bit.  Spend most of the time getting the top surface smoothed out so that it masks the hair underneath. Concentrate on the face frame and mohawk sections and use a blow dryer with ionic generation and powerful airflow to reduce static and frizz and promote a smooth shiny surface, like the Sam Villa Light Professional Ionic Blow Dryer.   

2. Fringe First

Whether blow drying or air drying, take 5 minutes to blow dry the fringe first...it's a focal point so it makes everything else appear undone on purpose or purposely polished. *Pro Tip: Using the small teeth of a long cutting comb creates the tension needed to redirect growth patterns and a Sam Villa Artist Series Finishing Brush is the perfect tool to smooth and promote shine.


3. Let Hair Air Dry

Easy peasy - apply Redken No Blow Dry Just Right Cream to damp hair, comb through and let hair air dry. If you can’t quite get the results you’re looking for chat with your stylist about haircut options to help ease this process and create more natural movement and texture. 

4. Use Hybrid Tools that Multitask

Most hot brushes are a combination of a flat iron and a hairbrush, but the Sam Villa Pro Results 3-in-1 Blow Dry Hot Brush has the addition of a blow dryer too. It smooths, adds volume, dries and straightens hair all in one step, so it’s perfect for achieving pro results at home in minutes.


5. Prep Beforehand

Don’t wait for day two to remove excess oils and dirt from the hair. The best time to apply dry shampoo is actually the night before! Before going to bed, take sections around the head and spray the root and midshafts with dry shampoo. Brush Redken Deep Clean Dry Shampoo through for full absorption.  Voila, you’ll wake up to gorgeous second-day hair!