In more ways than one, it takes a lot of energy to be a hairdresser. Between maintaining a full schedule and marketing to prospective clients, it isn’t every day that a stylist has the time to peek at their water heater or research recycling options.

With this in mind, we have collected a list of ways – both big and small – that stylists can help to make their salon a green sanctuary for clients and coworkers alike. Are you ready to make a positive impact on your home away from home? Read on for some eco-friendly ideas, then create a plan to make your salon an even better place to be.


Score your salon.

The KEVIN.MURPHY GREEN.SALON Project is a virtual tool that determines the initiatives salons and individuals can undertake to reduce their impact on the environment whilst saving money. By taking this assessment, you can get a clear idea of what your salon’s carbon footprint is like, and find ways to improve.


Get in touch with nature.

Not only are they a beautiful touch, but bringing plants indoors can help to reduce stress and improve air quality. Since salons are no strangers to chemicals, the addition of natural air filters will help to create a greener and healthier salon atmosphere.


Find a green partner.

Green Circle Salons is comprised of a collection of salons in North America and Canada that send everyday by-products like hair clippings, aluminum foils, color tubes and applicators for innovative reuse and environment-friendly recycling. While this program is not available worldwide, there is a variety of solutions available to help your salon stay green. Do a little research based on your region, then do your part to get involved! 


Use your colour wisely.

Do you tend to mix more colour than you use? Overmixing colour means you’re throwing more away into the water system – but like a majority of eco-friendly choices, it also makes better economical sense not to waste it! Pour only what you need, and seal your tubs and tubes tightly between uses. (Bonus: should your tubs run empty, try repurposing them as planters or put them back to work with our POWDER.LIGHTENER refills!)


Embrace natural light.

Decorating with plants isn’t the only way that salons can bring the outdoors in. By making use of natural light and ventilation whenever possible, you will create a brighter and more cost effective space for your clients. Decorating with well-positioned mirrors can help light pass around the salon, and work wonderfully with energy-efficient CFL or LED bulbs in giving your clients a bright and cheerful place to unwind.


Shop for the long term.

Buy appliances and furniture that are designed well and built to last rather than opting for cheaper alternatives. If you are designing your space, reuse what is already at thrift stores or overstock warehouses before running up your credit cards. When shopping for new appliances, look for the energy efficiency rating. ‘A’-rated appliances will make significant savings on energy bills and are less harmful to the environment.


Exchange your heat.

Heat exchange systems work by recycling, then converting all of the energy generated by the hairdryers in the salon to heat both the water and central heating. While there is some cost associated up front, it becomes an economical choice in the long run. Since none of that hot air is escaping into the atmosphere, it is eco-friendly too.


Ditch the disposable cups.

Much of the waste that comes out of a salon has very little to do with doing hair. If you want to make an easy switch that you will notice the effects of almost instantly, ditch those paper, plastic, or non-biodegradable styrofoam cups and upgrade to the real deal: glass. 


Modify your water heater.

The water heater is an essential tool for salons, but it also tends to be one of the biggest offenders when it comes to the misuse of energy. To bring it up to snuff, fit your water heater with a timer to switch off half an hour before the salon closes. Wrapping your water heater and pipes with insulation can also help your salon be more energy savvy, plus it cuts down on your energy bill! 


Speak up.

Whenever you see an opportunity to improve your salon’s environmental footprint, speak up! What is good for the earth tends to be good for your salon’s budget. If your team already is on the right track, talk to your clients about the ways you are going green. Not only does this make for interesting conversation, but it can inspire others to make eco-friendly changes in their own home.

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