A fashion student, Allison’s dry “voice” and edgy style comes through on her blog “Broke Hell”. Whether you are reading her blog, or “diary” section of her blog…you get a strong sense of her personality and style. We asked Allison a few questions of our own, here’s what she said…


What inspired you to start a blog?
When I was in my junior year of high school, I decided that Fashion was my calling but I found it difficult to express it because my high school’s art program was practically non-existent and teachers didn’t exactly promote artistic growth.  So I knew I needed a space to explore and expand my fashion interests while being able to express myself which is why I started my blog!

Have you ever wanted to do something drastic with your hair? What would you like to do? Why haven’t you done it?
Yeah of course! I remember I wanted to cut my hair short and go blonde for such a long time so when I did I was so proud of myself. I guess if I could do something new I would love to be a reddish pink shade. Sadly, I don’t have the courage to do it because I tend to wear shades of pink on a daily basis so I personally feel like it would be over the top if I had Pink hair mixed in to my pink outfits.

Who do you see as a “style icon” and why?
I see Chloe Ting as a style icon. I just love how you truly can’t label what her style is and I love that aspect because personally I don’t like having a label attached to my style. I love how she layers and I swear I’m mind-blown at some of the crazy things she puts together that simultaneously looks flawless! In a way, when I first started becoming interested in fashion, it was her blog that sort of pushed me to not be afraid to go crazy with fashion.


Read more about Allison at Broke Hell | Instagram | Twitter | Lookbook


Covering all our favorite topics, we love that Caroline covers everything from style to makeup to shoes and product reviews. What else could a girl want (except great hair of course)! Style on the Side is well organized and easy to find the posts you need to feed your style addictions. We asked a few questions of our own, here’s what Caroline said….


What inspired you to start a blog?
Simply, as much as I love clothing, I love all the other “things” even more. I obsess about beautiful bags and hats. I can’t walk by store without taking a second look at a scarf. Put me in front of a beauty counter and I am mesmerized by the colours. I spent a great deal of my childhood traveling and a big part of that was learning to observe people, to pay attention to architecture and the beauty of everyday. I want to celebrate all of that with this blog and share my findings with the world.

What is your favorite thing to photograph and what do you love about it?
My background is in film, so I’ve always had a bit of an obsession with visuals and photography fits right in. I love trying to put together montages for beauty products and accessories like jewelry and bags. It’s a lot of fun to try to capture the spirit of each item and to show them off in their best light for my readers.

Have you ever wanted to do something drastic with your hair? What would you like to do? Why haven’t you done it?
I actually have a really funny story that relates to this question. I’ve always had super healthy hair (no matter what I do it’s always shiny and strong).  One day, years ago, I decided that I wanted to cut it all off. At that time my hair was down to my waist and frankly a lot to handle on a daily basis. So I went to an upscale Toronto hair salon and to my complete surprise, they refused to cut it. I was shocked. Being the enterprising person that I am, I asked the stylist to cut off as much as he felt comfortable with. He cut it to roughly my shoulder blades. So I walked next door and asked them to cut it off.... Same reaction. No way were they going to let me cut it short. This time I got it cut to my shoulders. Finally at the third salon I received the short bob I was after. To answer your question, I did do it,the process was just very long! 


Read more about Caroline at Style on the Side | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Pinterest


With a “boho” casual style, Natalie has an effortless quality about her. Blogger, aspiring photographer and fashion stylist….Natalie Callahan’s website is a full reflection of her interests and talents. We asked her a few questions, here’s what she had to say….


What inspired you to start a blog?
I have always adored everything to do with fashion. I remember being a small child and pulling apart the “matching and coordinating outfits” my mom would dress me in to create crazy new looks. Growing up in a small town in Wisconsin, there isn't a huge fashion scene with an abundance of opportunities. So, when I discovered fashion blogs online, they inspired me to the point where I created my own. The platform has given me the space to showcase my passion to the world along with building my confidence to believe in and push myself.

Have you ever wanted to do something drastic with your hair? What would you like to do? Why haven’t you done it?
Yes! I have chopped my hair in the past, but at the moment I'm on the edge about going for the "long bob" like many celebrities and Fashionistas have recently done. Then I think about how much I love having long hair and, although tempting, the short hair will probably come and go just like numerous other trends. In the end, it’s good to get out of your comfort zone and try new styles, but be sure to stick with your personal beliefs while doing so!

Do you ever get writers block? What do you do to get passed it?
I get writers block very randomly, but I do get it. I know it is part of the creative process, so I don't get too frustrated. I feel like if you get too mad and frustrated it works against you, but a little tension is needed to keep going. To get past writers block, I surround myself with inspiring images, look online for videos, blogs, or photos that inspire me, and I also encourage myself to move around. When I get outside or simply remove myself from what I'm writing, I come back with a fresh mind full of ideas.


Read more about Natalie at Natalie Callahan | Facebook | Instagram | Twittter | Lookbook