As one of our favorites in this color series, this Brunette brings a light from within. In an effort to revive the rich colors of the 70’s, we can’t help but sing its praises. As part of the Saturday Nights Collection from Scruples, we’ve found a color that we can’t wait to wear all season long.  Find out how they used the gel color system to create this bodacious brunette!

As we see more natural colors making a revolution, we are mesmerized by the warm brunettes. Indicadive of a sun-kissed summer and hope to hold onto as the winter sets in, we will see a revival in copper toned brunettes throughout. Starting off with a natural level 4, the following dimensional colors were added warm up this brunette babe!


Dimension Color 1: BLAZING HIGHLIGHTS Toner infused Gel Color Warm Copper Blonde Medium Lift

Dimension Color 2: BLAZING HIGHLIGHTS Toner Infused Gel Color Warm Copper Blonde Maximum Lift



Although usually we think of the reds or blondes having more fun, this brunette may give everyone a little competition. What is so gorgeous about these hues are the subtlety in which they pop! The color is almost shy in comparison to the rest of this series, but somehow it is more mesmerizing. It takes on a feeling of natural light rather than bold statements, but overall this color is one that will stand out!



Model: Charlotte

Session Styling: Katie Nielsen, Scruples Lead Design Team Member

Haircut: Katie Nielsen, Scruples Lead Design Team Member

Haircolor: April Godwin, Scruples Artist

Which shade will you be rocking this season? Although we have a hard time picking, we know that as long as we stick to a copper undertone, we'll be on trend and in style! Be sure to stalk Scuples to learn more about their colors and see even more tutorials!