Hair: Matthew Tyldesley
Make Up: Isidro Valencia
Photography: Clay Cook
Additional Processing: Jordan Hartley
Photography Assistance: Alexandria Brumley & Daisy Baker
Models: Aaron Strunk, John Wells & Bryce Anthony Ricketts

Tell us a bit about your collection. What was the inspiration behind the looks? How did the creative process unfold?
My collection is a men's "Long" hair styling collection. I used water as my inspiration I really wanted the models to be emerging from the water. I visualized water's elements; waves, reflection, movement and wanted the hair to reflect those attributes.

How did you cultivate the team you work with? What’s your recipe for a successful shoot?
We have an amazing rapport and have worked together through the last few years and, in our collections last year. Communication is key...we had several meetings in person to discuss model selection, how to shoot the collection, the hair and make up. We also have group texts and create FB pages to share ideas and to keep all parties up to date on everything. Trust, everyone on a team has a role in creating a body of work, it's important to address concerns, have a positive attitude, give credit where it's do and, to support and lift one another up.

What fuels your passion? What do you love most about the craft of hairdressing?
There are many factors that influence that drive my passion. The desire to improve my work and to try new things motivate me. Education is vital for me as well as personal development. But ultimately the chance to do what I love and make discoveries, create and experimentation really push me to keep going.

What role does digital play in growing your brand?
Digital is crucial my brand. For the boy from the country, it allows my work to have visibility and for the public to get to know who I am. I don't live on either west or east coast. Being from the South proves success can happen anywhere.


What’s on the horizon for you this year? What should we watch out for?
This year I have done a lot already and  I hope to land future editorials, definitely keep an eye out. I do have my second feature film credit for "Loss Prevention" from ThoughtFly Studios coming out this Fall/Winter. This time as the lead hairstylist, so that is pretty exciting.  The year is about half over so there is still a lot of year to be had.

What REDKEN product should every consumer have, and what are your tips on how to use it?
Every consumer must have Redken's Control Addict 28, Iron Shape 11, Mess Around 10, Stay High 18 & One United. Remember to shake certain hair products prior to using to ensure they work correctly. Also periodically clean off your nozzle IV your hair sprays & thermal protects so they won't clog or spray incorrectly on the hair your styling. Control Addict 28 is great for all hair types and can also be used at the roots in dry hair for a sick volume boost. Stay High 18 is new must have volumizer can be used both wet or dry and is perfect for not do crunch, controlled curls.

On any given Saturday night, where can we find you?
Saturday evenings for me could be hanging with friends or packing for a trip. I could also be working on crafts, working on hair or prepping for a class. If I'm off on a Sunday, I will hang out at the house with my husband and my pets. We love working in the garden!

What is the product/tool that you can’t live without?
I cannot live with out my Sam Villa Blow Dryer and Paddle Brush, my foil dispenser from Product Club, Mason Pearson Brush, Redken's Guts 10, Control Addict 28 and Iron Shape 11.

If you could have anyone in your chair with no restrictions, who it would be and what would what you do?
I would love to have Jennifer Lawrence as a model in a photoshoot. If she was in my chair I would love to do some funky style with volume, braids, maybe add some extensions or alter the color. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this to one day happen….:)

Be sure to STALK Matthew Tyldesley to see more of his amazing work!