With pops of color, bold edgy cuts and an underlying feminist vibe, Emma Gottwald takes us for a walk into a different world. The world of Harujuku, is a culture, area, and trend in Japan that is a youth-oriented street fashion craze taking the world by storm. Recognized as a center for fashion, not just in Japan, but worldwide. In this amazing collection Emma Gottwald uses these styles as inspiration for her own creations. See Emma's amazing art and what she has to say about the collection...



Tokyo street fashion and specifically the Harajuku district in Shibuya, Tokyo heavily influenced my collection of the same name, TOKYO. 



It began with an image of a Japanese tattoo on the internet and led me down the Google rabbit hole which saw me sifting through imagery for about five hours. 



After sifting through an endless spiral of Japanese images, I landed on images of Harajuku girls (and boys) and was instantly mesmerized by the stylish and colourful style. 



The style is so distinct, unique and recognizable even thought includedso many elements often mixed together with both Eastern and Western influences. 



The elements of Harajuku style include manga-inspired baby-doll dresses and pigtails, gothic-inspired makeup and platform shoes and kimonos. As the morning approached and I was still ensnared in the Google web I wondered what I would wear if I was in Harajuku and which styles I would fuse together. 



The style inspired my collection as well as my latest tattoo!



With a flare for fashion and strong images, Emma Gottwald never ceases to amaze, be sure to stalk her on Bangstyle to see all of her latest and greatest. 


hair: Emma Gottwald

makeup: Mikele Simone

styling: Emma Gottwald

photographer: Daniel Knott

salon: Royals Hair