Festival season has officially begun and as we welcome in the warm weather, late nights and flower crowns, we want to give you the ultimate dose of hair inspiration to start your season off with style. KEVIN.MURPHY Educator and DIAMOND.KEY Jeanne Frigard created this unique Triple Knot Braid, a quick and easy style to get you from stage to stage seamlessly. Follow along below and be sure to let us know what you think in the comments below!

STEP 1: Section hair into 3 subsections; center part to low crown, then create a section from low crown to back of ear on left (section #A). Mirror on right side of the head (section #B) The Remaining hair from low crown to nape is the section #C.

STEP 2: Beginning in Section #C, Capture hair to a low pony and elastic off.  Then braid to end and elastic off.  Wind hair up to create a knot or rose and Bobby pin in place.

STEP 3:  French Braid Section #A from front to back of the section following the hairline, elastic off and wind hair up to create a knot or rose directly next to center knot.

STEP 4:  Mirror Section #B

*PRO TIP:  gently pull as you braid to expand the hair while using DOO.OVER to create an organic, volumised texture.

Ready for a weekend in the desert? If not, pick up a few key tricks and product picks here to complete your trip!