Sandor Szel uses his talent to create looks in the moment and proves that inspiration can happen at any time. His latest work was created on the spot and showcased in a video that made it to the finalist round at the AIPP Awards for 2015-2016 in the Best Video Category. Check out his video & his collection, and hear what he has to say about his art and his inspirations... 






You styling is truly an art form, how did you dream up this technique? 

I have always endeavoured to improvise when preparing hairstyles either for designing the hair base or the final shape of the hairstyle. Of course, in each case, the photography was preceded by a few days exercising. I seldom start by concrete ideas.



Where did you draw inspirations from in this collection? 

I have long wanted to create a collection where I could just create the hairstyles without any kind of ideas or planning on the day of the shooting. The ideas came exceptionally quick for both hairstyles.


This collection was an improvisation - how did you ensure a complete finished look? 

Footage of the collection (which has been featured amongst the top 20 videos of the AIPP Awards 2015-2016) gave the inspiration to the final shape of the pictures, for which the final touches have just been completed. In this collection I made the image manipulation.



How did you get into the hair industry? Is it something you always thought you would be doing? 

My entire family are hair stylists. Earlier I was playing music and I was painting; I have never wanted to become a hair stylist up to the point when I realised that this is also an artistic profession, and one can use their creativity. This has become my new hobby, which means that I do not have to work.


How did you perfect your skills? What steps have you taken along the way? 

I learned everything from my father. Sergey Zverev and Claude Tarantino, and later Trevor Sorbie, Robert Lobetta and Anthony Mascolo had a great influence on me. In addition to practicing a lot, I tried to speed up my personal development by attending a number of domestic and international seminars and exhibitions (in Vienna, Paris, Bologna, London, etc).

We have been organising several presentations, training sessions with Figaro Team, which has also contributed to my development.




Hair & Image manipulation: Sándor Szél ( Figaro Team )

Background photography: Gabor Csirmaz

Model: Anna Szemeti, Henriett Marczinkó

MUA: Anna Szemeti

Photo: János Köntös



HAIR: Sándor Szél Sasa
MODELS: Anna SzemetiHenriett Marczinkó
MUA: Anna Szemeti
DOP: János Köntös
MUSIC: Gabor Csirmaz aka. Audio Compress