The Opening Gala at Melbourne Spring Fashion Week showcased effortless, sculpted hair to complement the modern, feminine designs that adorned the runway. The hair reflected the designs showcased by leading Australian and international designers in this stunning display of fresh, elegant silhouettes.




Apply ANTI.GRAVITY to damp hair and dry through to add volume. Create a horseshoe section from recession to recession, just below the crown and clip away. Then, section off 1 inch sections on each side of the head to the top of the ear and clip away, and ponytail the remaining hair at the nape.



Apply a light mist of ANTI.GRAVITY.SPRAY. Using a medium curling iron, create waves in the top and side sections of the hair, starting the first indent on the O-bone and using a positive-negative waving pattern.



Finish off the look with SESSION.SPRAY, beginning at the back of the horseshoe section, and back combing the roots in 1 cm sections, clipping away with covered clips as you go. Comb out, and gather the hair at the base of the neck to create a 3 inch section of braiding. Mist over the top of the hair with SHIMMER.SHINE for added shine and lustre.



Photos provided courtesy of Luis Murphy.

For even more Fashion Week inspiration, be sure to stalk KEVIN.MURPHY on Bangstyle!