Although the year has just begun, it is already off to a fashionable start. Riding on the coat tails of Fashion week, we’ve successfully made it through our first Award Show, with beards and bowl cuts abound. Gaging our season by celebrity and runway influence, length or the severe lack of it will be everywhere in 2017.

From full length to shaved heads and some sparse styles in between, we’ve seen the shapes taking place on the longer side of the spectrum. Spring is all about a time for renewal and rejuvenation and when it comes to men’s fashion, this year, we’ll see a freedom that was absent from season’s past.

Although an all over shaved head has made a comeback, shaved sides and longer layers on top are taking a hiatus. In its place we are finding groomed, grown out haircuts. They are not necessarily loosing shape, however they are definitely gaining length.

The high and tight quiff has grown into the modern shag with layered elements and groomed texture. This style can be manipulated on both straight and wavy hair with the use of proper styling products. For wavy textures use Fiber to add thickness and hold. If you hair is on the straighter side, pick up a Defining Paste for a seamless style. 

On the lengthier side, Mid-Lengths and Full-Length styles are growing in popularity. Whether paired with a Bowl-Cut or a Middle Part, this style requires more flexibility and control. When hair reaches a certain length you must aim to define it without taking away from its movement. If you are going to an extra long cut, try picking up Grooming Spray. This will keep your mane looking tame, while allowing it to flow free. 

How will you be wearing your hair this season? Let us know in the comments and be sure to tag us in your classic styles on Instagram @AmericanCrew.