Clockwork Orange
Hair: Milica Shishalica
Photography: Ivan Paradinovic
Make up: Magdalena Miljkov
Editing: Milica+Ivan
Models: Marina and Sanja

We are always so thrilled to see new work from Milica Shishalica. She and her team fashion artistic wardrobe pieces for the models, and combined with her dramatic cuts and coloring, the imagery posses such a strong otherworldly feel. Her latest collection, Clockwork Orange, is no different, featuring a spectrum of color against a dark background. Milica shared a bit about the inspiration behind the collection and the creative process unfolded below...

When I create these colors and designs, I feel free, like an artist with a white canvas, I treat the hair likewise, like it is going to last much longer then a normal haircut usually does. I get this explosion of colors and their balance with the primary color, that with the cut, provide a really nice hair design to a model. As a team, we then conducted the idea of exposing those rainbow colors and designs with a dark matter like background, to get a stellar goddess dressed in baroque minimal effect to our models. My favorite look is the short, straight hair model, but I really enjoyed working with the curly hair too. I especially love the effect of literal explosions in some areas.

We have a really good process for our creative shoots, and this collection was no different. My husband, Ivan, shot it and our friend Magdalena helped us with the makeup. We all work so well together and the environment is very relaxed. I think it is what I love most about this collection, and I think that energy is reflected through these images. We actually did this shoot six months ago and wanted to publish a lot earlier, but because of my pregnancy, and the birth of our baby daughter two months ago, we were kinda delayed on everything. But, I’m really happy to finally be able to share them now.


Be sure to "Stalk" Milica Shishalica to see the rest of her Clockwork Orange collection as well as the rest of her stunning imagery!