Cover Photo credit: Dianna Mauceri


Social Media Basics For Your Salon

There’s an old adage that still holds true today: you only get one first impression. The modern twist is that, more and more frequently, this first impression happens well before meeting someone in person.

Social media is about more than sharing pretty pictures – it all comes down to connecting with the people who matter and protecting your good name. The question isn’t whether your clients are talking about you online, but what they are saying. Neglected criticism could start a flurry of diverted business, while positive comments left unattended could mean even more missed opportunities.

Whether your goal is attracting new clients, keeping the ones you have or opening doors with industry influencers, social media is an increasingly valuable tool in the digital age. Are you ready to bring your business to the social side? Here are some tips to connect with more clients before they even sit in your chair!

Lead with your talent.

Hairdressing is the perfect combination of mixing work and play, but your business’s channel should be a representation of your talent. If you’re guilty of posting before and after client pictures next to the snaps of your crazy girls’ night out, it might be time for an intervention!

Building out a professional name for yourself does not have to signal the end of your personality online, but it is important to remember that nothing is truly private on the internet. Creating separate business accounts is a great place to start, but steer away from posting anything on either one that you wouldn’t be comfortable sharing in your salon.

Don’t try to do it all.

Getting social doesn’t require stylists to be everywhere at once. In fact, the tool is better used when you commit to some carefully chosen platforms and do them well. The haircare industry is as visual as they come, so your best bet is leveraging the channels that put an emphasis on images. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Bangstyle are all excellent selections for sharing your styles, and are go-to destinations for people that want to try something new with their doo.

Take your favorite magazine’s lead. 

Glossies like Modern Salon, American Salon and Salon Today feature a variety of stories, but they all stay true to their message. Likewise, your social media channels should cover a variety of topics that still reflect your business and values – without making a hard sale. To start, share before and after pictures, style inspiration, beauty memes, tutorials, invitations to special events and anything else that tells your salon’s unique story.

Remember, each reader might end up in your chair.

Most stylists wouldn’t ignore their clients during a cut and colour, but snubbing a question or comment online could convey otherwise. Lay a foundation for open conversation by regularly asking questions and participating in the dialogue.

Likewise, anything shared by others on your channels should be addressed as soon as possible. This could be as simple as thanking someone for their visit, or as complicated as responding to a negative experience and resolving it offline.

By getting active on social media, salons can capitalise on the activities of their clients, and reach a new group of prospects. Remember to thank your clients when you see any posts worthy of bragging rights – and always give credit where it’s due!

Want to share your work with the COLOR.ME team? We’d love to hear from you! Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, as well as right here on Bangstyle