Whether working on a haircut, a blowout, or simply prepping for a service, one of the most essential tools in a stylist’s kit is also one of the most simple; the trusty comb. We are always aiming to make the comb more effective, which is why we created this new tool. Andrew Carruthers, Education Director for Sam Villa, demonstrates how to use the new Sam Villa Artist Series Handle Comb when performing scissor and clipper over comb techniques, and how vertical versus horizontal sections can yield very different results.  



“The first question you need to ask yourself is whether you want to keep your shape contoured to the head or establish a more solid mechanical line, and then you choose the angle that supports the result,” say Carruthers.


Horizontal Sections – When using a handle comb to cut horizontally, there is more control over the contour of the head shape because the comb can move up and down in a straight line and it can rotate up and around the head too, which gives more options for contouring.  It’s the same whether using a shear or a clipper, plus the width of a handle comb is very convenient when working with a clipper because larger sections can be cut with each pass.


Vertical Sections – Cutting vertical sections with a handle comb will yield a more ridged surface area with less ability to contour the head. To add a sense of softness, try inserting the comb vertically, establishing the angle and then point cutting to breakup the lines.  It’s actually easier and a more comfortable finger angle than blunt cutting.  Using a clipper creates a much more mechanical ridged feel.


With the popularity of short haircuts and androgynous styles today for both men and women, take the time to finesse each one by determining ahead of time what the final result should be and then approach sectioning accordingly.

Be sure to stalk Andrew and Sam on Bangstyle and take a peek at all of his goodies in the Bangstyle store!