Wella has announced the 36 Finalists for the 2016 North American TrendVision Awards. Molten Ecaille and Bronde Luxe inspired all the looks this year, ideas set forth by the Wella Professionals Trends for 2016. In addition to these inspirations, each artist has their own, that greatly influence their looks in diverse ways. Learn about these inspirations and more about the artists who create these beautiful works of art! In this artist feature, we learn about Adelaide Anacleto, who had a love for this industry from an early age, honing her craft over the years with the help of her many mentors, she is grateful for her teachers and draws inspiration from her surroundings. Learn more about Adelaide and find out about her journey to Trend Vision 2016!

Can you tell us a little more about you and your styling background? 

I feel like I have been hairdressing since I was a child, always imagining myself creating styles in other people's hair. Hairstyling has always been the trade I hoped to pursue. When I finally got the opportunity to enroll in a hairdressing school that's when my excitement and creativity began to strengthen.


What drew you to hair styling?

The passion I feel is what drew me into this trade, where I can create and change other people's self-confidence. It fascinates me the difference a good hairstyle can make in a person's life, and the ways in which they regard themselves. The effect it has on others, mentally and physically, has an effect on me and it motivates me to pursue my craft and be successful in this trade.


What is your favorite technique to use?

Though I have acquired many techniques my personal favorite technique to use is Balayage, because it allows me to create freely.


What has been your biggest defining moment in your career?

The biggest defining moment in my career was when I began to set myself up for competing. This was an important moment for me because it was when I began to feel truly confident in my skills and my creativity. Competing has helped me to grow not just from a styling perspective but as a person as well.


Can you give us a bit of insight into what the typical creative process behind creating a collection? 

To create a collection I must dive into a fountain of inspiration that can come from the most abstract thoughts. I can find myself creating ideas and designs through the most common and uncommon ideas, which formulate within me. When this occurs a collection begins to form.


Is there a specific area you often find yourself looking to for inspiration? 

For me inspiration can come out of anywhere, for instance; nature, sounds, shapes, family, or feelings, the list goes on. I believe that even a simple blade of grass can become the foundation for an inspiring collection.


Do you have any rituals to ensure a successful shoot?

Through the experience I've gained, I've learned that to ensure a successful shoot I must first of all; plan ahead before the shoot and create stages in which I must follow. Another ritual I follow is to always be open-minded to any changes that come my way, challenging me in different ways and working with these challenges to create better perspectives of the final shot.


What is the one product or tool that you can’t live without?

If I couldn't have all my tools and hair products I would be satisfied with just having a hair brush, because I believe it would still allow me to showcase my creativity and talent. 


If you had a superpower, what would it be? 

Without a doubt, my superpower would be to end all the wars and suffering in the world. It would be a peacekeeping power, as I hate to see all the aggression and violence occurring in the world today. I would make a better society for all future generations and us, where people do not result to violence as the answer.


Who were your mentors along the way?

This is a great question that I'm very honored to answer and always a pleasure to mention. Melina and Pino were my first mentors that have always helped me follow in the right direction for my career. They taught me the basics to creativity, and have always encouraged me to succeed in this industry greatly. I must also mention Mirella Sementilli, who's been an incredible mentor on the road to Trend Vision, and the Gaboa Team that I'm honored to work with.


What has it been like so far to compete for Wella Trend Vision? 

It's been a great accomplishment. So far, being able to start a career by making it to the final top 5 in Canada, I truly feel honored and blessed. It's a dream turned reality and a goal I have worked hard to achieve.

What do the Trend Vision awards mean to you? 

Trend Vision is such a great opportunity for me to stand for this industry, which I really believe in, and to grow as a stylist and a person. For me; the awards mean knowledge and growth, to become better at what I do, increase confidence, and learn from the achievements I have made thus far.