We are thrilled to partner once again with the Professional Beauty Association (PBA) to promote all of the talented artists who are finalists for the 2017 NAHAs (North American Hairstyling Awards), the most prestigious hair and beauty award in the country. In this feature get to know more about this year's Avant Garde Finalist, Chrystofer Benson

You can see and feel the great sense of pride exuded in Chrystofer Benson's Avant Garde collection. Inspired by strong women, Chrsytofer uses extreme detail and expert aesthetic to create a fascinating experience for both eyes and soul. Take a peek below and read more about his inspiration and how he'll spend his time in Vegas this year. 

What was the inspiration behind this collection?

A JAPANESE INSPIRED collection called ‘DRAGON,’ really inspired by strong women, with a samurai warrior vibe, with different dragons in the foreground.

What is your favorite thing about Avant Garde?

I love to be able to push in areas that are new and not the ‘norm,’ and to find a balance of hair and fine art.

What did you learn about yourself through creating this collection?

I have learned a lot over the years and I still have a lot to learn.

What was your biggest challenge?

Getting everyone in the same location – models photographer, and makeup because we all live in different locations.

What other forms of art inspire you?

I really love all facets of ART. Different art inspires me at different times when creating different collections – sometimes I love abstract and sometimes form and function in cubism.


How much prep time went into each piece?

The most prep is beforehand getting the idea and concept down, then working on the textures of what you want to see and then putting it all together. It was stretched out amongst my travels over a few months.What was your favorite part about this shoot?

The end result – this will hang in my house, which is rare, I don’t usually hang my work up. My walls are usually reserved for art of some kind.

How did you select your team? Have you worked with them before?

I have a core Team I heavily work with a lot– we just have a great synergy and trust for each other and what we each bring to the shoot.

How do you Vegas? I love a nice dinner with friends and maybe some cards on a table. I could go to a show or a club if we are feeling it. Vegas for me is a time to be with industry friends, people I consider family, spending great quality time together.

Salty or sweet? Sweet of course!

Want to see more of Chrystofer Benson's work? Be sure to stalk him on Bangstyle!