Ever wonder how some women never seem to have a bad hair day? While you may think costly treatments and constant salon visits are necessary, it’s actually the opposite. When it comes to hair care, less is best. Read on to discover easy ways to ensure your tresses look on point all year long.

Tip #1

Switch up your shampoo with the season

From high temperatures to humidity, your locks are constantly battling the elements. One surefire way to keep them looking fresh, soft and voluminous all year long is to switch up your shampoo with the season. If your hair tends to be on the dry side during the summer months, opt for Eleven Australia Hydrate My Hair Shampoo to restore moisture. Or, if frizz is a constant battle during the wintertime, try Eleven Australia Smooth Me Now Anti-Frizz Shampoo to keep hair soft and smooth. The key is to pay attention to how your hair acts at different times of the year to understand exactly what it needs in a shampoo.


Tip #2

Keep heat-styling to a minimum

No matter what kind of hair type you have, constantly putting heat on your hair will result in breakage, dryness, and lack of shine. Women with good hair understand just how damaging heat-styling can be, and, in turn, make the most out of their styles without the use of hot tools. For example, if you plan on flat-ironing your hair, allow it to air-dry rather than use a blow-dryer. Or, take preventative measures to make the most out of your blow-out. On freshly-styled hair, apply Eleven Australia Give Me Clean Hair Dry Shampoo at night to keep oils at bay. Another tip to keep your style in check? Wrap hair in a protective style while you sleep. Lastly, once your style has officially reached its end, embrace a messy bun or loose braid to get at least one more day of wear before washing.


Tip #3

Give your strands lots of TLC

Your hair is only going to look as good as you treat it, so it’s best to baby it as often as possible. Avoid using damaging hair elastics, sleep on a silk pillowcase, get regular trims and never brush your hair when it’s wet. Hair treatments are also an important step to incorporate into your hair care routine if you want flawless locks all year long. On wash days, apply Eleven Australia 3 Minute Repair Rinse Out Treatment on shampooed strands to repair, nourish and restore damaged hair. To lock in moisture, softness and shine after showering, apply the Eleven Australia Miracle Hair Treatment, then style hair as desired.


Looking for more styling tricks? Be sure to stalk ELEVEN on Bangstyle, shop their products on ElevenAustralia.com, and for the ultimate dose of daily inspiration - follow them on Instagram