Long hair is definitely trending again! While those who cut all their hair off for the “drama cut” a.k.a. the bob last season are frantically Googling how to grow their hair out, we’ve got a simpler solution for you. Extensions are a great way to easily add back hair when you want or need it most. Lucky for you, there's a new way to get gorgeous, long, voluminous locks! 

While extensions can be an absolute lifesaver for length and volume, up until now there haven’t been great options to coincide with the health of your hair. Hair extensions that use beads, fusion, tape, and clips can often lead to more hair loss. This happens due to the tension placed on the hair and the tangles often associated with it as well. 

Getting extensions can be somewhat of a Catch 22. While you need them for volume and length, traditional methods can also decrease both volume and length by damaging the hair and placing undue stress on your strands. Clients want to be able to shower, workout and style with ease, but all too often we see clients who end up with matted hair like this. 



While these type of knots are detrimental to your client's hair, it also takes up a great deal of time behind the chair. Stylists can spend hours trying to remove extensions and carefully brush out knots like this, which cuts down on their productivity.

The Solution:

Ziploxx is a revolutionary new way to apply, remove and enjoy hair extensions. Using a simple interlocking system made of heat resistant plastic, the weft is easily locked into place and removed with ease!


To apply, take a thin section of hair and place one side of the weft below it while closing the other side on top and press to lock it into place. It’s as simple as that! When removing or repositioning, simply pull apart to unlock. 


With the ability to be reused, this cuts down on cost while increasing sustainability. Take them out when you need a break and reapply them when needed. 

Where To Buy? Grab them for your clients or invest in a pair for yourself, ZIPLOXX is available here!