Lauren Moser Samuels continues to amaze us with her use of texture. Her inspiration behind this particular collection came from her love of texture and the way you can manipulate curls and certain curl types to create amazing shapes. She delves into a study of shape and structure with stunning makeup that beautifully complements her overall vibe. Keep reading to learn more about her inspiration and the tips and techniques she used to get the looks!

What tools, products or techniques did you use to manipulate the texture?

The tools, products and techniques used are very unique, you should take one of my classes, LOL! I use a combination of gels and creams to give the hair moisture which makes it more manageable.  Hair Clippers are a must when shaping and creating sharp lines and edges.

How do you feel the styling of texture has changed over the past few seasons?

Over the past few years, the world is now paying attention to curls. Women and men have been more inspired to wear their natural hair versus straightening or chemically altering.

How did you work with your makeup team to craft the final image?

For the makeup, we called in social media sensation and beauty warrior Adamme Sosa to craft these looks. I do hair, I’m not a makeup artist so I gave him complete control over the looks based on how he felt the hair and wardrobe would complement the overall style. 

What tips can you give stylists when creating a shoot like this?

My husband and I (NAHA Men’s Finalist, Rodrick Samuels) are teaching a class on this at ISSE 2019 in January. One solid tip that I can give stylists when creating a shoot like this is to not be afraid to change direction. You can have a mood board, story board, photos on your phone and when you start to create, the looks just don’t work. I like to call them “happy accidents”. Sometimes when you have to switch gears it can help you to craft new ideas and concepts that work.

What feeling do you hope to evoke from this collection?

I hope this collection evokes power for curly hair women all over the world. Wear your natural hair, be free and express yourself.

What was your favorite part of this shoot?

I love being around my hair besties during a shoot like this.  The creativity that emits when the energy is good makes it easy and gives you a relaxing feel, which helps during such a mentally and physically challenging day. 

What was your biggest challenge?

My biggest challenge is always myself. Overthinking imaginary problems and creating barriers is tough when you are an artist. You are putting yourself out there for the world to judge your work and like anyone; you want the approval from your peers as well as the industry…No pressure right, lol.

Be sure to stalk Lauren Moser Samuels on Bangstyle and stay tuned for even more hair inspiration!



Hair: Lauren Moser Samuels

Makeup: Adamme Sosa

Photo: Kristen Flint