Humidity—the one thing we never miss about summer. The moist weather may leave freshly sun-kissed skin nice and dewy, but it also transforms silky-smooth hair into a lion’s mane. So how can you ensure that humidity doesn’t interfere with your summer plans? Read on to find out three ways to keep frizz at bay.


1 - Get a smoothing treatment.

It may be an investment, but consider a smoothing treatment a magical cure for your hair. Keratin treatments, such as the Cezanne Classic Keratin Smoothing Treatment, reduce frizz and deliver straighter, smoother, and stronger tresses. The Cezanne Classic Keratin Smoothing Treatment is formulated without harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde, and won’t change the natural texture of your hair completely—it will only make it more manageable. Depending on your hair growth, the treatment lasts about 3-4 months, meaning you still have time to visit the salon for frizz-free strands all summer long.

Try: Cezanne Classic Keratin Smoothing Treatment

2 - Fight frizz before it happens.

Conditioner is key to achieving smooth, silky locks during the summer months. In addition to applying a deep conditioning masque at least once a week, always apply a leave-in conditioner straight out of the shower. This will detangle tresses and seal the hair cuticle to prevent frizzing.

Try: Cezanne Leave-In Spray Conditioner

3 - Stay away from towel-drying.

It may be convenient, but nothing frizzes out your hair faster than drying it with a towel. When you rub your strands with a towel, the fabric causes friction, which ultimately leads to frizz. Instead, use an old T-shirt or a microfiber towel to absorb wetness.

What are your tips for fighting frizz? Share them in the comments below!

If you’re thinking about getting a treatment or simply want to pick up a few key products from Cezanne, follow us on Instagram @Cezanne_Hair and visit for even more helpful tips and tricks!