At one time or another, we’ve all wanted to add a little extra length to our style, but let’s face it; there is no miracle cure-all when it comes to growing your hair quickly. So, what’s a girl to do? Updating your routine and your product arsenal is the easiest way to give your hair a little extra oomph, keep reading to find out how to help your hair grow quicker than normal!

Get Regular Trims

While this may seem counterintuitive, getting regular trims actually helps keep hair healthy and will grow it longer and stronger. Getting rid of split ends and keeping your hair a similar length will cut down on premature damage and breakage during styling.

Deep Condition

Spend a few extra minutes in the shower, giving your hair a healthy dose of moisture. With Eleven Australia, you only need 3 minutes! Try out the 3 Minute Repair Rinse Out Treatment at least once a week! Formulated with Shea Butter, this treatment will add shine, moisture and nourish dry and damaged hair. Pro tip: apply this treatment before going in the swimming pool or the ocean to add an extra layer of protection.

Don’t pull hair back when wet

Whether it’s after the gym, or before bed – pulling back wet hair can be a horrible habit when it comes to the health of your hair. Due to the fact that hair is more susceptible to breakage when wet, leaving it tied up can create undue breakage. Instead, opt for a low, loose braid or roughdry it before pulling it back. Whichever you decide, add Miracle Hair Treatment to your style, giving it eleven benefits from nourishing hair to control frizz and protecting against heat styling.

Eat your veggies

How many times did your mom ask you to eat your veggies growing up? While it may have been painful then, it is a key element to helping your hair grow. Getting enough vitamins and minerals from whole foods will keep hair healthy and strong and increase growth.  

Looking for more spring styling tricks? Be sure to stalk ELEVEN on Bangstyle, shop their products on, and for the ultimate dose of daily inspiration - follow them on Instagram