Excited about your upcoming hair color appointment? For the best possible outcome, prep your hair before your appointment. From inspiration to how to wash beforehand, read on for some of our top tips!

One of the best parts about getting your hair colored is searching for inspiration. You can create a lookbook on Pinterest, tear out photos from your favorite magazines, or even start a saved folder on your Instagram filled with photos of hair colors you adore! Then, once you’ve compiled your inspiration, you can share that with your stylist and have a helpful conversation narrowing down the perfect color for you. While your stylist is busy mentally preparing for the task at hand, you will have to do a little preparation yourself in the days and even weeks leading to your hair appointment.


Nurture Your Strands

Your hair, much like your skin, can fall victim to aging and damage. That being said, you should protect your hair just as much as your skin. This is especially important in the weeks following your hair coloring appointment. If you haven’t been giving as much TLC to your hair as you probably should have, treat yourself to a Keune Care Vital Nutrition Mask once a week in the three weeks leading to your appointment. This hair mask will help restore, strengthen, and hydrate even your most damaged and distressed tresses. In addition to that, the Care Vital Nutrition Mask also protects your hair from harmful UV rays when you’re out and about.


Clarification is Key

As soon as you make the decision to have your hair colored, you should ensure you’re clarifying your hair from all of the hair products you’ve been using recently. Using a weekly hair mask is fantastic, but it’s no complete replacement for a good shampoo and conditioner duo or cutting down on your product use. A great set to use is the Keune Care Satin Oil Shampoo and Care Satin Oil Conditioner. This shampoo and conditioner set partners to refresh your hair and improve overall health.



Keep it Natural

The final 24 to 48 hours before your coloring session is a time to allow your hair to be completely natural. During this period, you should avoid washing your hair so that you have a natural protective oil layer on your scalp unless advised otherwise. In addition to avoiding shampoo in this period, you should also avoid adding products or styling with hot hair tools. Doing this will allow your hair to be in its most natural state and shape, which will only help your colorist do their job to perfection!