Note from the editor: Please note this article was written prior to salon closures on March 13th, 2020. New guidelines are evolving and changing daily. We urge you to consult the CDC and WHO websites for all up to date recommendations in your area.  

Global Pandemic. For most of us, this is not something that we’ve ever experienced before, at least not to this level. WE have never been so consumed with this form of recommended isolation and disruption to our daily lives. As fears spread across the globe, we inevitably start to ask ourselves how we we are going to keep our business thriving and bringing in revenue? There is so much information come at us, it’s important to stay safe, but not panic. Let’s all work together and calmly share ideas on how to keep your salon profitable during a pandemic. 

1. Reassuring your clients.

Use the resources you have to ensure your clients you are taking extra precautions to keep your salon clean and safe. Give them specifics to help reassure them about the steps you are taking toward prevention. Are you wiping down the stations between clients? Are you stocking hand sanitizer at each station? Can’t find it? Here is a great easy recipe to make a handcrafted version for your salon.

2. Welcoming in children.

Most salons frown upon kids in the salon. But with so many schools closing across the globe, this might be the difference between clients keeping their appointments or skipping due to lack of childcare. Offer their children the option to tag along and simply request they bring an activity like books, an iPad or coloring books to keep them busy during Mom or Dad’s appointment. 

3. Suspend cancellation fees.

Offer your clients easy and flexible options for rebooking. The reality is, if someone is sick, you don’t want them in the salon today. We are all embracing the better safe than sorry motto right now and what better way to retain the client than by putting their health and the health of all your guests first.

4. Stay in touch.

There are so many ways to stay in touch right now. Let them know you are open and what you are doing to keep them safe. Utilize email, social media (Direct Messages and Feed posts) as well as the old fashioned way…. pick up the phone and call. 

5. Sell products.

Never before has it been so important to increase your average ticket. Add on services will make or break the bottom line. Presell a treatment and do the first one on your client at the back-bowl. Ask them what they are low on, in case there are future closures. We know this is a controversial one, but if you can, SELL ONLINE. Clients are looking for distance and convenience at the moment. Send out emails promoting products that can be sold and delivered straight to their door. This is your opportunity to capture dollars even if the chairs are empty. 

6. Sanitizing Stations.

Set up a clear area in your salon that revolves around health and safety. Creating a sanitizing station at your reception area and ensuring bathrooms are stocked with soap and paper towels. Start wiping down stations and back bar areas between clients to show your clients (and your staff) that you are being proactive about prevention. 

7. Amp Up Your Social Media Presence

If clients are opting to stay home, offer them a way to connect and indulge in a little self-care at home. Participate in Facebook and Instagram live's, add styling and even sanitation tips to your stories, and give them helpful words of wisdom to help keep them calm. 

The last thing you’ll want to do is give off a sense of panic for your clients and your staff. Instead, keep calm, wash your hands, and be aware of yourself and those around you. While social distancing can be one of the best ways to combat this pandemic, communicating properly with others and connecting through alternate means is needed to get through this time together.