Now we all know there are smoothing treatments out there we’ve been researching just in case we want to give it a try one day, but side-eyeing because we don’t know just how long our natural hair will be hidden! Well, smooth hair doesn’t mean depleting your hair of its natural texture, it can be as simple as kicking frizz to the curb. If you want smoother hair without chemically changing your coveted texture, keep reading.

Your hair is what you wash it with, and how you condition it. Let’s start off with the “what”! You should be using a shampoo formulated to cleanse and control frizz which will result in smoothly polished hair. Matrix Biolage SmoothProof Shampoo does just that, providing your hair with humidity control and anti-frizz smoothness even in 97% humidity. So even when your on the most tropical of summer vacations, frizz is kept at bay!

Conditioner is the most important step, you want a formula that smooths your hair cuticles like Biolage SmoothProof Conditioner. SmoothProof Conditioner will be your summer go-to because it provides humidity and frizz control, in the highest humid conditions. But it’s also, how you use it. Kick up your weekly beauty routine by adding a heating cap on top of your conditioner for 20-30 minutes. The heat of the cap will open your hair cuticles to deposit the benefits of the SmoothProof Conditioner deep into the hair shaft, resulting in smoother and frizz-free hair. Now, it may be old-school, but a heating cap is key and works wonders for trying to smooth out your hair, even Beyonce knows it!

The final step to keeping your hair smooth on day three and four is a shine spray or a smoothing serum. Just remember, less is more, so don’t overdo it. Put a little Biolage SmoothProof Leave-In Serum in the palm of your hands, and scrunch it in your curls or waves. Once the smoothing serum is evenly distributed into your hair, give it a little shake and you’re good to go!

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