In the every changing world of social media and online sources – which is overflowing with colour trends, images and techniques – how do you stay ahead of the trend and offer advice to your client that will best suit their hair? Easy, the single most important way to bridge the gap is within the consultation. 

To simplify the consultation and ensure you are on the same page about colour and techniques to suit them and their haircut and style follow our top 4 tips below!

1. Educate your clients. Photos of beautiful hair colour and styles are abundant online, but what works for someone else might not work for them. Be sure to teach them what they should be looking for when searching pictures for inspiration and ideas to alter or change their colour. For colour: they should choose pictures with a similar length and hair cut as their own. They should look at pictures that give them an overall feel of how they want the colour to be placed: i.e. lighter colour around the face, lots of highlights, a few panels of colour or an all over shade they like. This gives a better idea of what would work for their style. When looking at pictures ask questions!  “What do you like about this colour and what don’t you like?” This helps you to understand what they see and why they are interested in this new tone or shade. 

Remind your client that you are using these pictures as an inspiration guide only and then explain how the concept – i.e. the red tone – would be adjusted to suit them. 

2. A colour technique is purely a pattern on the head, it is the colours that make it subtle, visible or dramatic depending on your client’s colour personality. You don’t need a different technique for soft or bold shades. Keep it simple, and realise that sometimes less is more and you both need to think about how you’ll re-create or alter it when they next visit. 

3. Clients expectations have changed and increased due to social media. Be proud of your expertise and honestly present to your client how you can or can’t achieve their request. Remember it can be a positive journey and you need to explain the steps but be excited about each stage so they remain excited too. 

4. Always give your clients a colour maintenance plan in the consultation as this clearly explains how often they need to have their colour refreshed and the costs involved. Be transparent and clear from the very beginning. 

Want to learn even more ways to understand color trends and techniques? Check out Carolyn Newman of Colour and Education Consultancy and her class Interpreting Colour Trends & Techniques for Your Clients on Monday August 21st at 11:30 GMT. You can tune in online for €20 and receive lifetime access to the class. It will be live at the time above but viewers will be able to view it at any time after that as well.

Signature Colour Techniques with Carolyn Newman

Monday 21 August 11:30 GMT

Direct link to the class: Interpreting Colour Trends & Techniques for Your Clients

Stay tuned for the latest color trends and check out our favorite shades of the season, here!